Find a woman who has thrilled

The position of Zayn's hand, which was right in front of Jimmy's face, suddenly moved when heard the baritone voice of a man who was considered one of the rivals for Dewi.

This time, Zayn really really doesn't like a guy who looks so calm, but is venomous when he makes a sound.

"Just destroy my face now and I will be the winner. Because of course your image will get worse in front of Dewi." Jimmy sneered, still not moving from his position and of course not feeling afraid at all.

Of course Jimmy really understands the character of Zayn who is very temperamental and always relies on emotions when facing anything. "You are no match for me, Zayn Mahendra."

Jimmy directed his hand to push the broad chest of the man who was considered very childish and smoothed the shirt which was slightly wrinkled because of Zayn's behavior.