Jimmy's downfall

To be honest, Dewi did not have the heart to reject the charming man in front of her who looked so pitiful. Moreover, orders from Zayn's father did require to accept that love.

Earlier, after rejecting Jimmy, Dewi intended to rest, but suddenly someone sent by Zayn picked her up and finally went to a restaurant which had been specially prepared to express love.

"I have a condition that you must fulfill. Are you willing to promise to fulfill it?" Dewi finally opened her mouth to respond to Zayn's declaration of love.

"What are the conditions? I will fulfill all of your conditions. As long as you want to be my girlfriend," Zayn answered confidently as he stared at Dewi's beautiful face which seemed to have given him fresh air.

Not wanting to beat around the bush, Dewi finally started to speak up, "If we become lovers, don't pressure me or ask me to get married."