Channel passion

Dusk has moved to its bed and replaced with sparkling starlight. The atmosphere of the star-studded night today is increasingly adorning the darkness of the night.

After previously contacting a man he really didn't like, to meet at a restaurant, now Zayn is sitting in a chair that is located at the very back end against the wall and close to the exit.

Having a six pack body and a handsome face that has always been the dream of womenfolk, makes him always the center of attention wherever he is.

A man wearing a white shirt with sleeves folded up to his elbows, crossing legs and arms clasped to chest, waiting for the person he hates the most.

Not long to wait, the figure of the person he was waiting for was now walking closer.

The man he really didn't like, named Jimmy Ravindra, always stuck to his girlfriend and was considered a leech.