Regret the act

Dewi is currently still trying to rebel when Zayn has brutally kissed and pressed down on her body which had fallen crashing into the very soft king size bed, after being pushed roughly by a man who was none other than lover because was forced to.

She didn't reply or enjoy Zayn's rough kisses at all, because was focused on wanting to break free from the grip of a man who looked very ferocious, as if wanted to completely eat him.

'Lord, save your servant from this man who has been controlled by the anger of this satanic lust. Zayn really has changed. Never used to be rude to me, but why is it like this now?' muttered Dewi who was still trying to rebel.

When brain began to perceive the danger threatening when the buttons of the shirt was wearing were released one by one by the man who still didn't let go of lips.

However, when Dewi held shirt, a sting was felt on lips when Zayn bit lower lip.