Tell the truth

Dewia intention was only to want the status of the unborn child to have a father and not be called an illegitimate child.

"I can't possibly sue Jimmy and Zayn."

"Jimmy will feel disgusted by me, while Zayn's parents are unlikely to accept a lowly woman like me. Everything is complete. Now I am a lowly woman who has no self-esteem. Poor and very despicable is the right name for me."

After she finished cursing her bad luck, Dewi, who had been crouching on the floor, now felt better and immediately cleaned up the traces of vomit in her mouth by rinsing her mouth.

Then stood up and washed his face so that his wrinkled face would not be clearly seen by others.

When came out of the bathroom, slapped forehead many times while cursing stupidity. "You stupid!" Observing the wide expanse of land with green plants which is very beneficial for everyone.