Unremembered past

Once near the car, Dewi lowered Rafa into the front seat next to her, while sat behind the wheel and started the car's engine. Then, driving it out of the apartment area.

It didn't take long because the apartment was only a few kilometers away from the preschool and now they have arrived at the location where their son will spend time while she is working.

"We've arrived, honey. Rafa will definitely enjoy going to school here." Dewi was holding her son who looked very happy and excited.

Dewi, who was walking towards the office, saw several men in black uniforms busy carrying boxes of food.

"What's the actual event?"

Regardless of the men in uniform who were currently busy with their activities, Dewi asked one of the women she saw where the office was.

As soon as she knew it, immediately knocked on the door and a woman's voice answered and opened the door smiling at her.

"Good morning, Ma'am."