Real fact

Jimmy immediately let go of his hand when it came into contact with Zayn's sturdy fingers.

Currently, Jimmy felt small when he was near Zayn who was more perfect than him because only realized that when looked at the face of the boy in Dewi's arms.

When Jimmy found out a fact that he never expected, he felt very angry when his brain was filled with bad thoughts.

By reflex, he immediately pulled Zayn's shirt collar and punched him on the right side of his face, bruising the corner of the mouth of the man who used to set him up with the stimulant drug.

"You're such an asshole Zayn!"

Zayn's body staggered back with a bruised face and slightly pulled the corners of his lips when he felt pain.

At this time Zayn immediately rubbed the corner of his torn lips with his thumb and stared at the face of the man he didn't remember at all.