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"Do you want to marry Zayn soon, Dewi? Even though Zayn had just expressed his good intentions to propose to you," asked Siti Aminah, who had received a code from her husband to ask their daughter.

Then Supriyan started answering after his wife opened the conversation. "It seems you really love Zayn, so you immediately said you were ready to get married as soon as possible in the hospital without waiting for recovery first."

Dewi is currently silent and hesitant to tell the truth to her parents. That is actually thinking about the situation of those who have a lot of debt.

So, thinking being married to Zayn would help struggling parents. It looks like she's taking advantage of Zayn, but Dewi thinks that seeing a big opportunity that could change life, how could it be wasted.

Especially after seeing deformed legs, thinking no man would ever want to be with her, so when Zayn proposed, she didn't refuse at all.