
"Mommy, Daddy," whispered Rafa, who at this time was sobbing because he was looking for the parents missed so much.

Because he had not seen them last night.

Of course Zayn, who had felt very confident before reaching out to call his son, but did not get a response and only received a rejection, heard the sound of the boy's cry which was his flesh and blood echoing in the apartment.

Rani Mahendra, who had intended to hand over grandson to Zayn, abandoned intention because was already crying sadly in arms and trying to squirm to be put down. As if to find the whereabouts of mother and father.

"Daddy's here honey. We'll go see mommy later, okay?" Zayn thought it would be so easy to melt his son's heart but it turned out the opposite as he kept crying in a deafening loud voice.

Some of the close neighbors who live in the apartment may have already heard it, so Rani immediately invited him in and tried to calm down.