A question

Moments ago at the apartment, Zayn was seen busy accompanying his son to play with toy cars in the lounge. Where there are complete home theater facilities.

At first the two of them looked very engrossed in joking and laughing. Even Zayn often kisses the boy who is his biological son.

"Rafa when he grows up, will he follow in Daddy's footsteps to take care of the company, will he? Or do you have other goals?" Rubbing the hair on the back of the boy who is considered very cute and loved.

Until the sound that came out of the boy's tiny lips caught Zayn's hearing senses and made him chuckle in response.

"Spiderman." Rafa likes superhero characters who become idols and wants to be like that.

When Zayn finds his son so adorable for misinterpreting the question of what ideals he has.