Get rid of your anger

The figure of a man who is none other than Zayn Mahendra has just arrived at a restaurant which has become a historical place because he first invited Dewi there when he introduced his friends to fake lovers.

Until he felt obsessed with getting Dewi who was very difficult to conquer and ended up disappointed because was rejected by the woman who secretly stole his heart.

Deliberately Zayn came early because didn't want to make the woman he loved so much wait. Not only that, because he was actually very excited about the surprise from Dewi that already knew.

However, today's plan was to reverse the situation, that is, to make the figure of the woman who was about to give the surprise even more surprised.

So, he is not the one who will be surprised because given a surprise, but the figure of a woman with a beautiful face and makes him crazy, cry because she is happy.