Will never repeat evil

Everyone who was in Zayn's room now felt very relieved when they saw Dewi, who had fainted, had regained consciousness after previously Siti Aminah was busy giving wind oil to several parts that were thought to be able to awaken her.

"Thank goodness you've woken up, my daughter. Everyone was so worried when you suddenly passed out. How do you feel now? Did you think about something just now?"

Supriyan, who also felt very relieved, now immediately continued his wife's words. "The doctor suggested that you shouldn't overextend brain performance because of the accident. I'm sure if you put a strain on the brain earlier, you'll end up losing consciousness."

Not wanting Dewia to faint again, Zayn reflexively opened his voice to comment. "Father, Mother, it's best not to ask Dewi too many questions. Isn't the most important thing now that my wife is awake?"