
"Actually, earlier Rafa committed acts of violence against his friend," said the principal, who at this time started to tell the story in a gentle tone because he did not want the husband and wife to feel angry or upset, as the 5-year-old toddler felt.

Zayn and Dewi reflexes to stare at the words of the principal made them very surprised and disbelieving because so far Rafa has never committed violence against anyone.

However, Zayn was curious about what caused his son to commit violence against a friend because as the saying goes there is no smoke where there is no fire.

That guide made him sure that his son did something to a friend out of anger. He even thought that Rafa had actually inherited the gene from him because could act violently if someone disturbed his peace.

When I wanted to open my mouth to comment, I didn't do it because I heard the middle-aged woman voice again telling me about the actual chronology.