Fang Daiyu



About an hour later they were done playing and had gotten changed and ready to leave the premises. Before they left, Lu Xueyi got a call and excused himself, asking her to go out first.

Taking his word, Andromeda made her way out of the court to the entrance of the building and waited for him.

For some reason, his friends were still inside so she had no one to keep her company.

All Andromeda could think of at that moment was the relaxing water she was looking forward to taking a dive into.

Unfortunately, she got so deep in thoughts that she failed to notice the sinister glare from someone at her side.

Closing the gap between them, the lady scoffed out loud enough to Andromeda's hearing before placing a hand over her lips. "If it isn't the runaway bride of the century. I wonder what you are doing here."

Her eyes narrowed at the voice. There was no way in hell she would not know who they belonged to. As unfamiliar as it was, it became familiar these past five years that she was away from home.

A smile touched the corners of her mouth and played in the laugh lines beside her eyes.

Turning to her side Andromeda raised her brows and replied calmly. "Though the words spoken are annoying, what is most amusing," she continued, with a sudden, good-natured laugh, "Is that I cannot think of how best to address the reply coming from the daughter of a slut!

The lady's eyes widened at the insult and narrowed soon after as her brows creased deeply. "What! How dare you?!"

"Hmm, seeing as you reacted, I guess I got it. Isn't that right, Fang Daiyu?"

"Andromeda Kai," she spat out bitterly. "Watch your lousy mouth."

Andromeda arched her brows in bewilderment, letting out soft laughter as she shook her head at her. "You never cease to amuse me. Wasn't snatching my father away by that slut of a mother enough to tell you anything coming out of your mouth is lousy?"

She folded her arms in front of her chest. "I guess some people do not know how to look in the mirror first."

Her smile immediately turned wry and her eyes darkened. "Let me warn you, Fang Daiyu. Whenever you see me, tale the next route. Do not dare cross my path again or else."

"Else what?" Fang Daiyu attacked. "What can you do other than to run away? You have always been beneath me. I would…"


Her eyes blinked severally while her brain immediately was assaulted by the stinging sensation and hotness the slap brought with it.

It took her some seconds to come to reality while her mind went blank for a moment.

She could not believe that she got slapped and the person was none other than Andromeda, the weak and calm daughter of Kai Beifang.

When and how did she turn this way?

When she lifted her head again, she caught a triumphant smile on Andromeda's face. "What? Did I not do it well and you want another one?"

"You…" she scoffed. "Just cause you…" she narrowed her eyes at Andromeda and the car she was standing close to, then an idea popped into her head. "Because you are the mistress of an old bellied thwart, you think you have arrived?"

"Old bellied thwart? So, what if I am? Didn't your mother make being a mistress the trendy fashion? Please, look carefully, do not lump me in with the likes of you."

"Hey, who are you to talk about my woman's mother like that?" She peeled her eyes from Fang Daiyu and looked to her side where a young man stood a couple of feet from them.

Sizing the young man from head to toe, a side smile formed at the corners of her lips.

'And who is this new champ? Or doesn't he know he is her latest boy toy? Hmph, even in appearance he cannot hold a candle to Liu Xueyi or Xu Fang and he thinks he is prince charming? Tsk, I wonder how long before she dumps you.'

Her head moved from side to side while she studied him carefully.

The young man frowned. He did not like being studied under such a scrutinous gaze of a pretty woman. He had to admit, she was way prettier than his woman but being such a loyal dog, he sided with Fang Daiyu.

"How dare you speak to her that way? Or have you no manners?" He bellowed at Andromeda.

Andromeda did not say anything. She watched as he ranted, putting on a show for his stupid woman. When he was done yelling and calling her names, all Andromeda had to say to him was a question.

"And you are?"

"What?" He leaned his head forward while his eyes widened at her. "Y-you." He pointed at her and took closer steps in her direction. "I would make you pay."

"It seems like you are the one who lacks manners. Does a man just butt in on women's conversations or fights? And who do you think you are to teach me manners? I was there when they tied your diapers. Just because this lousy bitch is dating you do not give you the audacity to talk back at me."

"Why… Aish!" He threw the handkerchief in his hand and bounced up a few times. Andromeda watched as he performed his nonsense act while musing silently.

"Are you done?" She let out a tired sigh. "It is useless speaking to an overgrown dummy. Even a child would know better. You two were made for each other."

"Do not mind her, Sun Jingyu. I can handle her." Her lips twisted to the side. "Andromeda, I wonder who that old fool is that you came here with that is giving you such a high front. But let me tell you..."

"I'm done talking to you, Daiyu. Get lost."

She did not bother to engage in any more conversation and turned around, about to walk off.

Feeling embarrassed by her stepsister, Fang Daiyu could not take it and stepped forward. She grabbed a handful of Andromeda's hair and was about to yank it when she felt a sudden kick on her right knee.
