

CHAPTER 255 – Saved

Seated on one of the chairs in the big mall, Liu Xueyi leisurely crossed his right leg over the left and playfully let it dangle as he watched the scene shot before him.

He had not expected that after spending almost a full day with Direction Chai Jin-Ho, he would be kidnapped for another shoot on Saturday.

Honestly, all he wanted was to remain at home with his darling girlfriend and have a good time.

He wanted for them to go swimming, have a bit of Netflix and chill.

Order enough roasted chicken, get some popcorn, ice cream, or wine of any kind, while they relaxed at home in nothing but skimpy clothes to set the mood.

For years he had not had the pleasure of being with a girlfriend after his last break-up.

And although there were many girls who readily wanted to be with him or even settle for a one-night stand, he just couldn't bring himself to do it.