Allies: Plans in Motion



Having carefully thought and planned the previous day, Lian Rui put her final touches to her designs and decided to continue her investigation on the issue of Andromeda's ruined design. 

She could not trust that Victoria and Serena would not be planning something else during the finals and decided it was best to let Andromeda know about everything so they could better prepare and possibly catch them.

At once Andromeda connected the call, wanting to hear what Lian Rui had to say. No doubt she knew it was related to the fashion show, perhaps about the postponement or perhaps something else.

She had planned that if anyone else tried anything against her work then she wouldn't hesitate from putting an end to it immediately. Whatever this call was, it did not prick Andromeda.

"Hello?" Her voice sounded tired after having been awake for most part of last night.