The Unexpected Thing

But that was enough to explain to Satya, Lathifa did not know that name as many people in Bali and Java know, in his world.

"This is because she had an affair with Bhatara Brahma," said Satya. "Then she was cursed by her husband, Bhatara Guru."

"Wow…!" Latifa glared. "Do we really have the same world?"

"Who knows?" Satya let out a long sigh. "I'm starting to doubt about that."

"No," Lathifa rubbed Satya's chest gently. "As the Master Kencana planned, I believe that the world we live in is still the same world, only the timing is different."

Yeah, maybe that's true, Satya thought. After all, from time to time, history is always changing, especially regarding the belief in bhataras and bhatari—in Sanskrit, bhatara means god, and bhatari means goddess.

"Then?" Lathifa looked at the handsome face again.