Circle of Destiny

And even when they were in the house by the small lake, Satya still thought about Abhimanyu's words to him this afternoon.

Of course, this ended up being of particular concern to Lathifa because it was unusual for Satya not to speak for long periods, except when he was meditating.

The princess took a deep breath, then poured water into the cup, and brought the cup to give to Satya.

"Here, have a drink."

Satya glanced at the princess and smiled. "Thank you."

Lathifa sat on the chair opposite Satya, separated by a low table. Satya put the cup on the table after drinking the water.

"What is it?"

"Aah, it's nothing," Satya tried to swerve, grabbed the cup again, and took another sip of water.

Lathifa smiled at the man, he was too stupid to keep complexes in his head, too bad to lie, she thought.


But the man only responded with a smile and the girl saw that the smile was too forced.