Grievous Death

Return to the cave where Pramudya Antaguna receives supernatural powers from the Magma Demon. He still floating in the air with his body barely arching and the screams were getting louder and louder.

A few moments later, the two vine whips attached to Pramudya's chest released, and both of them shrank, and vanished back onto the Magma Demon's back.

"I have granted your last request, Pramudya," said the Magma Demon. "You should be able to feel it inside of you now."

Pramudya was panting with large beads of sweat on his face. He watched his hands, turning his hands back and forth in such a way, and at the same time, he floated down slowly until he was back on the floor of the cave.

"Yeah," Pramudya smiled broadly, then looked at the Magma Demon with a grin on his face. "I can feel my strength increasing tremendously."