The Preparation

Without asking much more, one of the three admirals then brought the border soldier to join the other soldiers.

Pramudya Antaguna turned to the two admirals who were still standing in front of him.

"As I was saying," he said, "those people, equip them with military skills as soon as possible. And I don't want to be contradicted by anyone this time!"

No one dared contradict the king's orders this time, not even the two admirals, nor the Left Counselor. They all bowed to receive the order.

The king was about to turn around, then glanced at the Left Counselor over the corner of his shoulder.

"If you're worried about your wife and children," he said, "just order one or two soldiers to pick them up. Stay in this palace for a while."

"Your Majesty," the Left Counselor bowed again.

The king passed from the courtyard on the left wing of the palace, accompanied by Rangda, and the people there immediately did what the king had ordered.