Ch 2: Fort filled only with one gender

"Hey, you two are back from hunting early. Why was the hunt not going so well?" A female standing guard outside the front of a wooden fort said to Heather and Allyson, who were coming back from their hunt.

"The hunt wasn't too bad; I killed a boar." Allyson said, showing her the dead boar's body, which was easily being carried by her.

"That's nice. I can't wait to eat that. What about you, Heather?" The guard turned to her after Allyson had finished talking.

"Nah my luck was bad, I couldn't catch anything, but there is something, or should I say someone we have discovered." Heather's tone was that of someone who felt joy in something being executed.

"Oh yeah, and what could that be?" Needless to say, Heather just took a step to the side to show Chase who was standing behind her with hands tied.

"No way you two have captured a male?! That's amazing!" The female standing outside the front fort was impressed with the two girl's achievements.

'Alright, what's going on here with these girls seeing a male? It's not a big thing. Something is weird here.' Chase thought.

"Yeah, Allyson found him in the hunting ground since a boar was running after him." Heather told while afterward, laughing about it for a short time.

"No kidding, huh? So, is he running away or something because what he is wearing isn't something I've seen before?" She said, taking a closer look at Chase at the same time.

"That's what we think as well, having no idea," Allyson says, finding it to be unusual.

"What about any marking of someone owning him?" The guard walked around Chase checking for such things.

"The fuck no one owns me are you crazy," Chase said as a reaction to what she just said got him upset which made her stop it.

"Well, look at that you. We seem to have gotten a lively one here yeah, I can say this one is a fresh male who has yet to be tamed."

The female standing out front said as she laughed.

Chase got more pissed off, but he held back from doing anything stupid to cause himself more problems. At that moment, she knocked hard at the fort's wooden door behind her.

"Open up! Heather and Allyson have returned from their hunt, and they brought a male with them." That guard yelled as those on the wall looked down to see for a second, then moved to get the door opened for them to enter the fort.

Once the door opened, the two girls started walking inside the fort with Chase following along unwillingly where he soon felt a slap to his ass when walking past the female who was standing guard.

"See you soon male can't wait to have time with you." Chase flipped a middle finger at her and she didn't mind, only smiling at him in response.

Once inside, he couldn't believe what was only there to see inside the wooden fort. And that this outpost was filled with only the gender of females, as they walked around and did some work along with training together. There were a few buildings given that the size of the fort was quite big along with some horses hanging around eating.

Of course, Chase was getting looks from them as he passed by as if he was some rare animal or a thing they haven't seen before. "Alright, what are they looking at? I am just a guy, nothing special about it."

"It's because you're a male. We have been here for about a few months with only us girls who haven't seen one during all that time. I know you can guess it is not only them staring at you, but also having not mature thoughts about you. It's mostly out of curiosity of seeing something new." Allyson informed Chase as they walked, not looking back at him as he started to notice some prevented looks on some faces.

"So, does that mean there are not that many males out there? Like there is some low population or something?" Chase asked, doing what he could to ignore their faces.

"Nope, that's not it. There are many of you males around back at the kingdom and empire, but for an outpost like the one we are running, they don't have them because they think it will be keeping us from focusing on the job." Heather explained, wrapping her arm around Chase's neck as they still kept on walking, bringing him close to her body to where he got to feel those breasts even if they were covered by the clothes she was wearing.

"Well, that depends on what the captains say though. I hope it is in our favor since it would be damn good to have some fun while doing this job." She then had a little fun punching the side of his cheek.

"You know if the captain allows the male to stay here it is going to be difficult for us. Others will try to have time with him, ignoring their job, so what has been said about having a male in an outpost filled with females is going to be true."

"Oh, you're right about that. We're not the only ones here damn! You are going to have your work cut out for you. Then again we are as well to get some piece of that action." Heather can imagine the fighting she would have just for the right to have fun with Chase.

"Hold on, what are you talking about?" Chase was starting to get concerned and confused. But there was no answer, only a smile was shown on Heather's face. It was definitely not a good sign for him.

Soon, the three of them arrived in front of a building that was at the back of the fort. It wasn't that big.

Allyson was the one to knock at the door, waiting for an answer from the inside. "Come in, whoever is knocking at the door right now."

Receiving permission, Allyson opened the door as all three of them entered. They saw someone sitting at a desk looking at a paper as soon as they entered the room.

"Allyson and Heather, you two are back early. What's the problem." No doubt the person sitting at the desk was none other than another female. Yet this one was wearing a more commanding uniform and looking to be older than the girls out there, wearing glasses that made her look more mature.

Both of the girls started to act differently, standing straight and beginning to speak in a respectful tone toward the woman. "No problem captain, instead we are back early because of this."

Heather pushed Chase forward to present him to the captain who was surprised for only a second until she recovered her composure in a quick flash.

"I see you two have found a male out on your hunt. Is he running away from somewhere?" The captain showed a little interest in the matter while dealing with the paperwork on the desk.

"Well, the thing is, we do not know. This male just showed up at our hunting ground. What he is wearing and acting isn't like what the males we had seen in our lives." Heather says.

"Acting, what do you mean by that? An explanation will be required." The captain's interest was piqued when hearing this from one of her soldiers.

"This male acts as if he was someone who doesn't know what is going on. He should know his place and respectfully speak to us, but the male talks to us like we are his equals." Allyson was the one to report to this woman as she started to look at Chase. Chase didn't say anything, mostly thinking of a plan to help himself out of this.

The mature woman placed the papers down on the desk, got up from her seat, and walked to get at a close distance from him. "Take off your clothes."

"I'm sorry, what?" Chase was shocked to be asked this by the woman, a little flattered, but still shocked.

"I said take off your clothes as I would like to see if there are any marks on your body, you must belong to someone or someplace for that matter." She said with a firmer tone.

"Listen, lady, I am not going to take off my clothes because you asked for them! I am a fucking person, not something you can just….!" Interpreted when talking, Chase felt a strong back smack to his face that almost brought him to fall over to the side.

"I didn't ask you to speak to me, only remove the clothes on your body." Chase brought his face back to its place, facing the woman again with now a handprint on the side of his face.

"Fuck you! I am not going to do what you said just because you said so! And that hit you did, barely scratched my itch, you got to do better than that," He taunted to provoke her.

"Oh, is that so? Then, I will have to try it again to bring in a more successful result." It seemed she was willing to take on that challenge.

"Come then! I love and welcome what your next smack can do!" Chase said with a smile on his face. He raised his vigilance and kept an eye on the woman who was going in for that second smack, but things are going to be different this time when he was ready.

As the second hit was coming at a fast speed, Chase waited for the right moment where to dodge it, taking the woman off guard by this reaction from him. The woman underestimated him!

"Look at that. It seems you have missed! I guess it's fair that I get a turn, don't you think so?"