Ch 4: The enemy is attacking at night

Heather couldn't believe what she just heard. It didn't take long for her to start laughing hard while holding her stomach.

"Hey don't laugh you, bitch!" Allyson complained.

"How can I not? From what you confessed of your fear of men, I mean come on! The men are nothing to be afraid of since men were defeated in the war a long time ago."

"I am not afraid of them! Just that… This thing is what scares me."

"You're talking about the male genitals? Yeah, at times, some could have big ones, average ones, or small ones. I have my fair share of each one, but I am in-between big and average there, what I like."

Allyson blushed in embarrassment while listening to her friend talk about her experience while the male who was pretending to be asleep was hearing this as well.

"Wow, it seems this chick is someone who knows what she likes, I got to respect that." Chase, who eavesdropped, thought in his mind.

"Could we please not go into details of your journey about the experience of manhood with you?"

"Alright, fine. But seriously, you got to tell me. Allyson, you were there with the male in a room alone. What exactly did the two of you do back then to come back in half an hour?"

"Nothing besides talking. He was a nice guy to chat with in the room until it was time to leave it."

Heather found this surprising to discover since her good friend had never really been on good terms with a man.

"So, this whole time, you were just faking it to make me, and the others think you're not?"

"What choice did I have? Do you know how it is going to be if any other woman were to know that I'm still a virgin? The backing talking and the joke those bitches are going to make about me!"

"Yeah, we can be evil to another, but this is just the opportunity for you to be a true non-virgin tonight."

"Oh, please? Tell me you are not suggesting, I lost my virginity to a sleeping male here in the storage at night?"

Allyson rolled her eyes and with her tone, it was clear that she was not pleased with the idea that Heather brought up.

"Well, I don't see another way since we're stuck doing this job for at least another few months until the next group takes over."

"No fucking way, Heather. This is not happening!"

"Allyson, how long do you plan to stay this way? Don't get me wrong, some keep their virginity and believe it to be some bullshit empowerment or something. I don't give a shit about it, but seriously, what right do they have to be all high and mighty."

"I am not going to be like them, it's going to happen in my own time and place."

At the time these two chatted inside the storage, something began to start where a few figures outside of the fort moved in the darkness of the night.

One of the girls doing the Nightwatch noticed that something was amiss. She looked over to see better.

Right at that moment, a projectile flew at a speed that was invisible to the naked eye which hit her straight into the forehead.

The momentum sent the whole body falling completely backward, heading towards the ground. It alerted the other girls who saw that their comrade had been killed with an arrow deep into the head.

"Enemy attack!" She was able to yell that out, but afterwards, another arrow hit the back of her head, killing her as well.

Then these silhouettes run-up to the front of the fort. Using hooks attached with ropes to throw over it, they grappled well onto the wall and climbed onward until reaching the inside of the fort.

Jumping down, they immediately work on opening the door for the rest of their accomplices to enter, making noise that alerts everyone inside.

"Damn it, we're being attacked right now!"

"We are being attacked; the enemy must have taken the chance to strike us tonight!"

"Freedom!" Chase yelled right then, running past the girls.

They were taken off guard by him yelling and running, as Chase smashed his whole body at the door, hardly able to force it open.

"Yes! Now I just need to get out of… Oh fuck."

Breaking out of the storage room, Chase had a second of enjoying freedom until an army of women in armor was charging at him.

Chase thought nothing other than to run away from them, yet as he does, the other side had a woman running toward him.

"Oh God no, I am a virgin, and I don't want to die this way!"

No way out, he believed this was going to be his end.

Luckily, someone perverted came crashing into him while the two sides crashed into each other. In the background, the sound of weapons clashing against each other and the cries of those who have been slain resounded.

"Holy shit! You saved me, thanks."

"Don't think too much about it. There's no way the enemy is going to have you. Over my dead body!"

Heather said to Chase, helping him get back up on his two feet, to where the two look upon the battle going on before them.

"Listen to me, I think it's best to get my hands untied right at this moment."

"No way that is going to happen! You're staying tied up, you hear me?"

She retorted to him. She then threw him to the side, as an enemy woman went to attack Heather who had no choice but to act fast and respond quickly.

Chase noticed that she was busy and thought it was best to just find a way out of this place that was currently in chaos. Using his strength to get back up on his own, he ran away, only to hit someone in the fight, and falling onto his ass.

"I can't believe my eyes this outpost has a male. This night is just getting more exciting!"

A female in armor stared at him, sitting on the ground.

"You're coming with me! I bet the reward I can get from bringing you back must be hefty. Of course, not before having my fun with you!"

As this person was reaching to grab Chase, due to not paying attention, she was attacked from behind with a sword going through the chest. The sword pierced through her body, spilling blood that even splatted and drenched Chase.

After that, the body fell on both knees, and then the face landed flatly to the ground.

"Oh, that's unexpected, how did you get out?"

The captain of this outpost inquired after killing an enemy whose guard was down.

"Captain!" Heather and Allyson called out, running toward the woman.

"You two, I am glad you are unharmed."

"Thank you, captain, we feel the same for you."

Allyson told her while holding a bow in hand. Heather stood beside her with a small bloody dagger in hand.

"This is what I was afraid of happening and there is nothing we can do other than abandon this outpost to retreat."

"Captain, we can't do that! I know if we fight back hard enough, we can push these fuckers back!"

"No Heather, I will not make a foolish move like that to sacrifice the lives here under my command. We are going to retreat, saving the ones that are still alive and injured, so Allyson, I am going to ask you a favor."

"Anything captain, I'll do anything to help!"

Chase couldn't believe he was just sitting on the ground, watching them talk like he was not there.

"I want you to get on a horse and ride to the nearest town to inform the person in charge of what has happened to this outpost."

"Of course, captain, I will do it."

"Also take this male with you as you do."

"Wait, what?!" Both Chase and Allyson exclaimed at the same time.

Then the two of them spoke once more in unison.

"No way I am going with this person!"