Ch 15: A Pack show themselves tonight

Allyson and Chase come to be dealing with a situation where Six wolves had come to their location thanks to the smell of the deer meat they were enjoying eating at a time.

"Alright, what's the plan here? Do we fight them or just stand in place and wait for them to leave?"

"We might as well have to give up the deer meat."

"No way that is going to happen, I have caught the deer after a long time of hunting."

Chase foolishly swung the stick spear at the wolves to show them he isn't afraid of them to make them scared.

Instead, it just starts to get these creatures angry as they show their teeth even more growling at him.

"Chase! Stop doing that, you're just pissing them off more to the point they are going to attack."

"Well, It's the only thing I can think of to get them to leave while still waiting to hear what idea you have to give."

"Look, just stop it before…"

It was too late. One of the wolves with black fur went straight forward to bite onto the stick, keeping on a grab grip as the wolf tried to pull it away.

Chase does his best to hold on, not going to give up on letting go of the stick as he and the wolf lock eyes with each other.

Allyson takes action taking a piece of the wood from the fire to use as she smacks it at the wolf's face causing it to let go and move back a few steps madder than before having a burn on its face.

"Stand by me they don't like fire, so as long as we have this to use against them we should be fine."

"Yeah, how long is that going to last?"

"I don't know what to expect until they give up."

"Oh cool that's great we're not going to die by this awesome plan."

As the two were focusing on the wolves in front of them Chase noticed that two were missing out of the six.

He had a feeling the two were near busy at the time trying to take away the leftover deer on the ground.

They were slowly digging away the deer's body quietly while the rest of their pack kept the two humans distracted.

"Oh no, you don't." Chase notices them and quickly acts by throwing his stick that flies to make a hit on one of the wolves with white fur.

That creature let out a painful cry while still alive trying to take out the stick, having a hard time doing so. Luckily, the other wolf gave aid by biting it using forces to pull it out, throwing the stick to the side.

The other wolf with brown fur then attacks charging forward, aiming at Chase only as he was the one to hurt its companion.

Chase couldn't do much given how fast this wolf was coming at him, but still had an idea to use.

Right at a great time he gets on his back fast and uses one of the legs to kick the brown wolf over to fly its body into a tree.

Allyson took her eyes off the wolves kept in place by the fire she was holding to look at Chase as he gets back on his feet after kicking the one charging at him.

The wolf with the black fur took that chance to strike at her to pay back for that attack on its face.

Running at full speed and jumping at the end when at a near distance to bring her body down and bite down upon the neck.

Allyson was too smart for such a thing to happen to her as she reacted using the sword in hand to swing the weapon and slash off the wolf's head while in mid-air.

The body and head of this creature fall to the ground as both bleed upon it.

Chase saw that and couldn't believe how well Allyson handled it like there wasn't a need to worry about her life being in danger.

"Whoa you did good, I might need you to teach me how to be that good with a sword."

"In your dreams Chase, I'm not going to teach the male how to master the sword."

"Oh come on can't you think about how you can be my teacher and I be your student."

The two couldn't help laughing a little and then smiling at each other thanks to Allyson being attacked as the wolf with white fur jumped onto her and brought the body down hard to the ground.

Lost the hold of the wood on fire yet still had the sword in hand only problem was it couldn't be used in time.

The wolf was ready to kill going for the neck as it opened to dig its sharp teeth into.

Allyson didn't want to think this was going to be the end by a wolf ripping her throat open to die in this way.

Shocking blood was spilled, but not her as it was Chase's dips of his fall onto the girl's body.

Watched as this guy's arm was in the wolf's mouth where the teeth found their place there.

Chase wasted no time in taking the wolf off of Allyson and throwing the thing into the fire where it let out a suffering cry burning alive for the rest of it to hear.

"Fuck that hurts like hell, so that's what it's like to feel a wolf bite on you."

He ignored the pain in his arm turning to face Allyson who was still laying back on the ground.

Chase was about to offer his hand to her but got attacked by the brown wolf jumping on him and biting down at his right shoulder.

Another wolf attacks at the time going for one of the legs grabbing hold with its teeth dragging and pulling for him to fall.

"Chase!" Allyson got back up concern for him as he was being attacked by two wolves.

She had the sword pierce into the back of the wolf biting the leg and making it let go after being stabbed.

Chase dealt with the wolf on top of him punching that creature in the face and it was proving to be a challenge being a pain in not giving up.

The next best thing was to go for the eye using a thumb forcing it into one popping that eye and the blood gushing out.

The wolf finally let's go and he kicks it off him as the thing hits the ground, getting back up with blood from the popeyed dripping down the face and to the ground.

"Oh, you still got some fight in you, well, I got some in me too, so what did you say fucker want to keep going."

Chase sat up having a hand over the bleeding shoulder where the bite mark was left behind.

The two stared at each other like they were in a contest, but this wolf knew when it best ended here as it was clear these two humans were more troublesome than they thought.

Their pack has lost about three and the remaining other three have to live, so this wolf decided to run toward the other two as they all left, not before that same wolf had one last look at the person who took its eye.

"Well run away…. You couldn't…. Handle this."

Chase couldn't hold out for long as he fell flat on his back and passed out. Allyson comes to his side.

"Chase, stay with me, don't you die on me."