Ch 17: Their lives or your pride

Allyson came to a complete shock when Chase faced her at a close distance.

She wondered why then it hit the girl they were holding each other when laying on the ground.

Then came a cry of shock out of Allyson as she couldn't help, but push him hard off and away from her.

"Whoa, what the hell was that for."

"What do you mean….. You were holding onto me…. Tell me, did you do anything to my body?"

Allyson pulls out the sword to be used on Chase given if her confused about doing anything to this

"Hold on! I did nothing while you were sleeping. I am not that type of guy."

"Then explain to me why our bodies were close to each other."

"Only reason that happened was to keep you warm, I mean Allyson when you went to sleep at your spot. I noticed that your body was shaking, so I thought best of just sharing some warmth with you to make it stop and sleep in peace."

Allyson stared at him in silence for a minute to go by until putting the sword back and turned her back to Chase who soon became relieved.

``There wasn't a need for you to do that, but I thank you just don't ever do that again."

"Yeah, you got it."

Chase gets up slowly glad that she didn't ask any further questions like talking in her sleep as Allyson did mumbling words while having some sort of a nightmare.

He wondered what it could have been about, but to stay alive it was best for him to not mention it to the girl.

"We should get moving the sooner the better to reach a village before the night comes."

"Do you have a clue as to how far we are from a village? It would be good to know."

"The fort we escaped at the time of the attack wasn't quite far away from a village. The problem here is that without a map it's going to be hard when walking around the area we are in, but I believe there to be a chance to find a village."

"Sounds like all we have to do is walk around surrounded by trees and whatever else around."

Chase and Allyson then ready themselves, setting out on their walk in the woods in a direction the girl picks to go in hoping for a good result.


|At the fort taken over by the enemy|

"Come on, it's a new day and we got something for someone like you to see."

Ivy throws Delia to the ground hard outside inside the fort; her body was covered in buries thanks to that person making them.

"Ah good morning Delia, how are you feeling?"

Jacklyn asked this mockingly knowing already what the woman could be feeling at this moment.

She picks up the woman's head to get a better look at her beat-up face.

"She is just doing fine Jacklyn after the time we have together aren't you."

Ivy put a foot on the back giving it some pressure on Delia to feel while laying flat on the ground.

"Well, I am glad you at least hold back from killing her good job on that."

``I didn't think I could control myself, how hurtful it is that you don't have much trust in me."

Jacklyn just looks at Ivy with disbelief on her face toward this girl.

"Alright you have your rights, but it is not my fault those past prisoners were so weak that they couldn't handle my treatment."

"Or it's because you don't know how to contain yourself, a reason you get in trouble for it."

"Whatever, anyway, is it ready for her to see? I want to see this bitch face expression."

"Yes, it 's all set up to bring her up to stand."

Jacklyn turns around walking forward while Ivy grabs Delia, getting her up as ordered and the two of them walk following behind.

What they come to see before is a lineup of the rest of the female prisoners from this fort.

Their faces light up when seeing the captain, but that quickly changes once getting a look at the woman's condition.

Female enemy soldiers were standing from behind with their hands on their backs awaiting any order given.

"What… is going on here."

"So she finally speaks what you are seeing here Delia is your soldiers who were under your command about to pay the price of your refusal to work with us."

"Meghan here gets to be the lucky one in being the executor to these girls who wait for their heads to come off."

Meghan sharpened her weapon like a halberd.

"Don't get all muddy Ivy, you at least got to have fun beating up that woman, I should at least have fun in cutting off heads."

"Yeah, that's a clear thing since you like to get off on it."

"To each of their pleasingly different deep desires."

"It fucking weird I tell you that creep."

Meghan stops what she is doing and brings her halberd to point Ivy's aim right at the head.

"I hear no judgment from you barbaric beast or your head will be added along with these poor souls."

"Oh, I love to see you try."

"Enough you two there will be no fighting with each other now do it later on your own time"

Both cut it out when Jacklyn spoke to them after that she turned back to face Delia again.

"So what is it going to be? Are you going to save them from a soon death to come or are you going to keep being the stubborn person staying completely loyal to your empire and give up their lives at the same time?"


|In the woods|

Time in hours has greatly passed as Chase and Allyson walk with not so much talking going on between each other.

There was the feeling of more awkwardness going on for Allyson since she couldn't help to stop thinking about the two of their bodies being close to each other.

More to the fact that somehow it works making the night sleep easier.

Even when having that nightmare that comes when Allyson sleeps from time to time, a thing that happened in the past when she was a little girl.

At moments when sleeping her friend would sometimes talk while sleeping.

This makes Allyson want to know if it happened again last night did the guy walking beside her heard anything.

"So last night was crazy right."

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

"I am talking about those wolves attacking us last night. Man didn't think a thing like that was going to happen."

"One has to accept danger to come at any time and things that can be far more than just dangerous."

There it is the threatening dangers out living in this world not the normal dangers back on earth given this place is different.

"What kind of things are out there a guy like me should be able to know ahead of time instead of getting a hands-on first time?"

"Well, there are a lot more in further lands yet to have been discovered."

"Alright, what best to start on then."

"How about Slimes seem like a good place to start ?"

Chase's encounter with one has made the impression to hate things greatly.

"No matter what, I will never show mercy to a Slime when coming across one again."

"Right well these creatures aren't much trouble as they are quite weak to fight and know how to deal with them with fire or a weapon that can kill one. Oh especially if that weapon happens to be enchanted to the element that works against their kind."

"That's nice to know and now I have more questions to ask about magic and this enchantment thing."

Allyson was going to talk again, but the sounds of cries could be heard in the direction the two were walking in.

It was clear to both there wasn't a need to say anything as they started running toward those cries.

"Here we go again, what the hell are we going to run into this time."