Ch 23: Finding something in the cave

Allyson was having a difficult time understanding what was going on at this moment.

Looking up at Chase has lighting flowing around his whole body.

Something like this happens to a person if they have the power to control and summon one of the elements to their use.

"How are you able to do this?"

"I have no idea, I mean what is going on with my body."

"I have one idea, but now isn't the right time for it."

"Yeah, you got that right Allyson, stay over here and let me take care of it from now on given this upgrade I got."

Chase walks and places her against a wall carefully at the same time giving Allyson his shirt to use as cover for the exposed upper body.

After doing that slowly he turned around to face the hobgoblin looking at him angry having got back the club in hand.

"Alright, you big green ugly Fucker it going to be you and me."

Chase took a few steps forward to a stop where there was a good distance between him and this creature.

It is only left who is going to be the one to make the first move. Not hard of it being the hobgoblin wanting to be first and hurt the person before it.

Swing the club downward aiming to crush the head yet in just a second before that happens Chase is gone and the club just hits the ground.

There was no time for the hobgoblin to try wondering what just happened because at that moment a fist hit the thing's face.

Forces of impact had the creature fall sliding to the side.

"Whoa that is awesome, my punch got stronger along with my speed."

Chase stares at his hand used to punch the hobgoblin as the lighting moves around.

That had to end when the big green guy started getting back up pissed off even more than ever.

Soon an upper knee kick attack from under the hobgoblin's chin comes next, breaking the thin teeth of how hard Chase was using strength in the leg.

No mercy isn't going to be shown to this monster when the fists went back to being thrown one after the other.

Attacking at the face and going down to the stomach.

The damages being done to the hobgoblin were shown along with the bones suffering to the point of breaking.

Chase stops taking a single step back, staying in the fight stance and keeping an eye on his opponent.

Allyson watching this from her spot couldn't take her eyes off the fight going on.

Effectively amazed with Chase battling the hobgoblin on his own more so to this power that is being used and the muscles on the body of this male.

The hobgoblin standing on its two legs breathed heavily with blood and broken teeth.

There is not much strength inside its body to keep up this way.

The club gets lifted weakly as best the hobgoblin could do.

"Seems to me that you can't keep up, I am shocked with all those muscles. Well I shouldn't be getting cocky right about now, the old man always reminds me of that."

Chase shows the thing a smile and throws one punch aimed at the center of the chest.

Unknowingly to him, this punch had more power than the others and when in contact with the hobgoblin flesh.

Loud sounds like that of lighting and a boom ring out throughout the cave giving a small feeling of vibration.

Chase was taken back on that witnessing with his eyes a hole made in the chest of the hobgoblin.

A few seconds the standing lasted before falling backward hard to the ground.

"What just happened."

He looked at both hands and then heard weird sounds of screaming from behind.

Looking back the goblins hanging around started running, going further deeper in the cave seeking to get away from the human that just killed the hobgoblin.

"Huh guess, I made them fear me that good."

"No doubt about that since you just use elements of magic. Tell me how long were you going to keep this from me about being able to use magic."

Chase faced Allyson who was now wearing his shirt being angry with an arms cross.

"What are you talking about, '' I said. I had no idea what was happening to me."

"Are you sure about that because what I just saw is you using magic?"

"Look, I have no idea how to use this magic in your world. There is no lie coming out of this mouth here Allyson."

The two just stare each other in the eyes for a minute until, in the end, Allyson accepts his words, sighing and talking.

"Listen to me well Chase what you did most not get out to anyone else in knowing."

"What would be the outcome to anyone knowing to tell me."

"If a male can use magic of any sort…"

Allyson stopped taking a time to pause, clear to Chase that there was nothing to be good when she resumed talking.

"They are kept to be breeders for the future magic-users only for the females of course any males born are to rise to that position when at a required age."

"What the hell is this a serious thing Allyson?"

"Indeed Chase, trust me, I don't agree with this treatment, but the results do work since magic users are quite important for the war going on."

"Are you kidding me this is…."

Chase stops himself from saying anything more to her when thinking that on earth this could happen too.

Anyway to benefit from a thing like that or any other short of unnatural would be taken for granted.

He had no right to place such judgment about this. So it was better to just not get into this.

"Hold on, how are the males able to use magic kept for doing so."

"These males have a collar attached around the neck cutting off the ability to use magic. If any were to resist still well you can guess what becomes of that person."

"Man this world is just getting colder and colder to be in."

"Is your world much better than this world?"

A good question was thrown at him and Chase was about to answer, but the lighting began to disappear. It seemed to be that it ran out of juice.

"Hey, what is this lighting gone anyway?"

"It must be that your mana has burned out."

"My what now."

"We got a lot to talk about on this matter, but this place and time are not perfect to do that besides their goblins to still kill."

Allyson walked in the direction leading deeper to the cave those little guys took.

Both of them went that same way hunting down every one of the goblins trying to hide or escape them.

It took a while till Allyson and Chase came across discovering a secret big tunnel hole in the cave wall.

"Weird what this is doing inside a cave. I think the goblins made this as an escape path out of the cave."

Chase asked her a question which received no answer.

He wondered what the reason she was acting this way staring deeply at this whole.

"Hey, are you alright?"

"Can you handle what we are about to see inside there?"

"What are you talking about?"

Allyson ignored him walking forward to the tunnel, he sensed there was something that she knew whatever It was inside.

Moving forward there came a strong smell that hurt Chase's nose.

Shockingly Allyson wasn't acting trouble still walking.

"What the hell is that smell and how can you not be bothered by it."

As both enter what they saw shouldn't be a thing anyone has to have as a memory.

"Oh….. God, what is this I am looking at."