Ch 55: [R-18] Training sex with the doctor Adeline part 2

"Are you kidding me right now that's what your concern about right before we fuck."

Adeline couldn't believe the question she was asked from Chase as both are on the bed in the doctor's place.

He asks only because there is a chance of receiving a sexual disease even in another world.

"Hey, I am just asking because now that I think about it, I have sex with Heather without protection last night while I was pretty much drunk yet still have some memories about it."

"You and that girl had slept together, didn't think that was going to happen, thought it would be you and that other girl."

"You're talking about Allyson, she's not bad looking, but I doubt there's going to be anything between us since it feels like we will be just good friends."

Adeline rolled her eyes in disbelief at his words on the resume to speak.

"Anyway I don't think I need to worry about protection, I doubt that you can knock me up at the age I am now, so there is no need for me to take anything for it."