Ch 69: Beginning of the storm [Final]

There weren't any changes to her facial expression after hearing that from Chase.

She slowly walks behind the chair having both hands placed on the wooden seat.

"A threat could be aimed at me or in general."

"I have yet to decide at the time, so that's pretty much on you."

"Such a mouth to be talking this way acting as if your life can not be touched."

A hand reaches around to grab the face from the back and brings his head backward to meet her eyes.

That same hand slowly dragged back making sure the nails dig themselves into his cheeks for the skin to be broken by them and lines.

"You are pushing for me to just have this mouth completely shut with you not being able to speak another word again in your life."

"Then do it mean what you say or are just someone talking big, but don't commit to it."

Chase says this with a big smile on his face. No fear of death can be detected and that makes her a little concerned.

"What…. The fuck…. Where…. Susana!."