Ch 75: Threat from the sky

"Damn it where could she be."

"We have to find her soon or we can face punishment for failing to find and killing her."

"There's no way that she could have gotten away, so she couldn't have gone far enough to get away from us."

Uvuton soldiers are searching an area filled with trees all around the filth of them. Among the trees, a single living being hid behind one breathing slowly and quietly to not be heard by any of them nearby.

Heather got lucky to be able to keep out from their sights and be spotted given the chance to hide from them.

"Well… the plan went in a different direction then, I thought." she thought while taking a small peek at the soldiers seeking to find her.

"Alright you got two opinions here Heather, you could fight these soldiers the odds in that favor don't show to be looking well for me. That leaves the others to keep on hiding and hope by any gods that they will pass by me."