Ch 115: Having the answer

Allyson, now damned by the one in front of her to be sharing about herself, yet the girl was holding from giving information to a thug."What are you going to be rude and not be kind enough to tell us about yourself."

"I'm not being rude, just have to be careful of what I say in front of you," Allyson said as her eyes looked at those around to take in their number seeing if it was possible to stand against them.

"Oh is there something you need to keep a secret from me?" The one speaking takes a step or two forward at her, causing Allyson to step back in a high guard.

"Stay where you stand don't come any closer to me unless you want to start something here and now," Allyson, ready with the bow in her hands for combat.

There was a short silence that lasted for that time between the two, not speaking another word. "Alright fine, I won't move any further, but I'm going to ask you one more time to say who you are or you can just die."