Ch 123: Simple questions

Out of nowhere, the one to be speaking was the Uvuton captain, showing she wasn't truly knocked out." So you're awake."

Vera said, seeing a smile on this one bruised-up face."Well, you girl did hurt me badly. It wasn't even near the point of myself to be passed out from such weak hits."

"So you were faking being passed out." Heather removed herself, putting some distance between her and the captain.

"Oh don't need to be so guarded. Can't you see that I am tied up to do anything." The Uvuton captain said, moving her hands at best when tied behind a chair the boy is on.

"Yeah and so doesn't mean you can still be a dangerous thing. You're a Uvuton servant, a soldier, no doubt to have been trained in ways when it comes to being captured."

The woman laughed at a weak level, given how painful she was at the time."We are, but I see no point in rushing the matter, I think I am coming to like it here. I could use a break."