Ch 145: A empire leading into a future division

Flossie then leans back on the chair she is sitting on, looking up at the ceiling of the tavern building.

"Traveling back just to live a life in that Village was something, I was starting to think I had gone mad for doing this turning my back on what I have been trained and learned to do for all my life growing up in the Uvuton empire. At times, I had thought to just go back, but each one failed as I kept going until I finally made it back to that village." The woman stopped for a moment and brought herself back to looking at the three faces. "When the first thing I did was tell these people who I was and who I served, in their reaction, they did not mind at all about it. They helped me because I needed it and already knew me to be a soldier of an enemy nation."

"What about the other Uvuton soldiers there? No way would they take kindly to one of their leaving like that," Logan asked.