Ch 169: Acid Burn

Just as Chase has said, the big Aciddead Lizard wanted to eat this human and thanks to the acid this creature can use when swallowing its prey and dissolving them in the fastest way to more like a liquid drink sometimes others like to enjoy chewing when it wants to.

Once his whole body was taken inside, the mouth closed straight away to not give any chance for Chase to try to break free easily. Even that large tongue wraps around the body, causing quite the painful pressure and making sure that no arms could be free of use.

"Shit! What to do here, I don't think I have much time from the situation I am trapped in." Chase thought while trying to keep calm to where he was at the moment.

"Then work fast to figure it out quickly, or we are both dead. How about calling that lighting again? Somehow, we come to have that special ability when needed."