Ch 203: A mission towards death

Lillie looked at Tori's face, seeing the serious expression she was making like a person taking to heart in throwing their life away, even if to a simple task being a rescue mission for just one person.

"You don't mean you plan to give your lives up, do you? I mean that madness for the person who wrote that letter to ask of you. Do they not have a caring heart in that beating chest if it is so easy to ask those of others to have thrown theirs in for meaningless reasons." Lillie says, hoping to get an answer that can give meaning to this.

"This comes from one higher position which I can not go against an order from a person in such a state and what is asked can not compare to the amount one in that position carries weighing heavily towards decisions and requests which can never be easy to do. One would need a stone heart to rule difficult roles."