4th chapter---- An unwanted rivals

larry and supul is working full time in their shops because of the festival season .... they both have hardly any time for other stuff since a week so they decided to take some few hours off from their works

to buy some stuff.....

hey! larry do you wanna go out for a while to buy...? (s)

""smirk"""" offcourse!! my boyfriend ...i know you love me so so much that you can't stay away from me....so how come I refuse you we are going out for **Romantic~~~** purposal by you right my Dear ..... (L)

.... "there he goes again with his nonsense" ( supul inside his mind)

At larry play full joke supul try to make his composition sane by just staying silent and put larry behind and walking ahead for buying his stuff from the market...

*bump*. (s)

but larry stop him and he leap on supul back shoulders for a pig back ride and in his playful act supul .....

*get off .*..now (s) got vex...

Nope its my date darling .... common walk ahead with you mistress on you back...or are you tired by just this much weight ..... speak moron.?

*sigh*. (s)

supul knew larry very well than any one else in this world ,he knew that larry is not the type's who joke around if he wants a big back ride then from whoever it is he gonna take it by any means so he start walking and reduce any useless comments .....to preserve his energy to lift up *his mistress *ahm ahm larry ....

So they both went ahead to buy their important stuffs .... Larry left Supul for a while and inside this big market their is no one who can accompany him ..... well he is not the type of person who likes others company as well....he needs to buy some vegetables, fresh meat , milk, fruits and rice..... He took all three required items which are available in the market but he didn't buy 'rice' he went ahead to a darkest alley near a old rusty Shop .

He went ahead inside the alley without looking back then suddenly he realises that some one is following him he neither stop not look back he take 30 steps forward then turn left, then take another 40 steps in a steady pace and turn left , he repeated take steps and went totally opposite to the previous one ...at the end the person got confused and couldn't find him .....

Oh! Man where the hell he was gone just a moment ago he is approximately 20to 30steps apart from me..... (The stranger)

*Smirk* you are right Larry ,their are some ... (Supul)

Cockroach...here. (Larry)

Larry and Supul both are sitting over the roof of a bar which seems closed...on monitoring with his own eyes that the situation is typical Larry ask a straight forward question to Supul .....

What about her..

About who???? ( Supul)

About your fake wife.....

Is she still came home back late covered in buries from head to toe..... (Larry)

Hey! It's not that several it's just some minor scratches and ..... (Supul)

Oh!!!!! You mean a dislocated shoulder ,a partially broken ankle, some hidden scratches over her back are your so called minor injuries right fool some one else.... (Larry)

Is she still hesitate to let you know about all this... It's almost one month since she came to your house like that .....(sigh) hey i am worried about you ..... You knew about our king right and we just recently find that you are .... Never mind so take care of yourself and try to find more about her who knows that May be she is one of the king's person we can't take a chance and if we do than its almost equal to ...

"DEATH". ...I knew that. (Supul)