Chapter 12: Aftermath

The morning news rang loudly throughout their tranquil house. Unable to sneak out and escape Cassius, Keon resigned himself to making them both breakfast instead. Still drained from the last few weeks, with little-to-no sleep to add to the pile of things he struggled to cope with, he discovered it hard to function.

The smell of an object burning brought him back to the real world as he whisked the skillet off the stove. Bacon now crisp and black. A quick glimpse at Cassius showed he wasn't paying attention, eyes fixated on the TV screen, coffee cup in hand as he took measures sips. This scene was once a daily ritual for them. Though sometimes Cassius tried to cook, scorching the food and setting off every fire alarm in the house.

He couldn't help but sigh, stress consuming him.

After saving the clones from the facility, Lucky told him they were doing as good. He also informed him that Blue became fiercely protective of the one girl named Dolce, and currently watched over her. Firo had picked up the others, vowing they'd be safe until the situation died down. Keon didn't trust him, but kept his mouth shut for the sanity of his best friend. Whoever Firo's master was, he had Lucky looking at him in a new light, so it was better for all of them if he remained mute.

For now, the trackers imbedded in the clones were the only actual concern for them. Firo's master knew a surgeon, so he came by one day to take Dolce and the other three to him. They returned later, trackers gone and only a minor laceration to prove it happened.

Keon was going to locate info on who Firo's master was at some point. If he was on the board and on the side of the clones, Cassius had to know that person.

He took out plates and set the table while waiting for the rest of the meal to finish cooking.

Although there was no work for the day, he planned on stopping by the bar after his arrangements with Cassius. Unwelcome, yet necessary ones. It would be a lie to say that the hospital didn't give him anxiety, or make his stomach pang in anticipation. But, his health was important for the survival of others.

He flipped the eggs over, sunny side up like Cassius preferred. The clamor from the TV blared as Cassius turned the volume up. Keon wondered if he was going deaf. Their ten-year age gap made a big difference in their world, after all.

The news started playing, sounds filling up the room. "Starting next week, a new, earlier curfew will come into effect. Considering the recent break in to one of the care facilities, government and citizens alike are worried about their safety and their clones, leading to this tough decision. More information will become available in the coming days. So be sure to stay tuned—"

Keon became intensely focused on his task, eyes refusing to see the expression on Cassius's face. He never asked him why he showed up late that night, and as strange as that was, it was even more nerve-wracking as they tiptoed around the subject for weeks.

And today, he had a feeling that he wouldn't be able to run away from it.

The TV blinked off; the screen turning to a soft black as the image dispersed. It was ancient. He had pleaded with Cassius for a new one, but until it broke, his master saw no reason to get rid of it.

"We should hurry or we'll end up being late for your doctor's appointment," Cassius said.

"As if that would be a bad thing," said Keon. Keon set down the plate of food in front of him, and he slipped another piece of bacon into his mouth.

Cassius frowned. "Stop chewing with your mouth open."

Keon rolled his eyes but said nothing in response. The brown oak table they had their breakfast on reflected his face. Next to the TV, it was the oldest item Cassius owned. Everything else in the kitchen was stainless steel and marble. Keon had briefly wondered who designed it since it wasn't his master's style at all.

Even with the secrets between them, the comfort he felt being at home washed away some of his anxieties. Inside these four walls, the outside world did little to dissuade him.

Though, the more he realized, the more palpable his fears became. If it ever got out that he was a part of that scandal, Cassius would suffer for it. His career would take a nosedive, and there would be nothing Keon could do to stop it from going to shit. He was powerless, a clone with no real pull in the world. Keon cared little for his life. It meant nothing in the grand scheme of things, but his master had a lot going for him. The thought that he could drag his career down into the dirt—

Cassius flicked his forehead, pulling him out of his thoughts. "The heck was that for?" asked Keon.

"Payback." The smile in his voice only made Keon more irritated.

"I don't—what are you talking about?" Of course, he knew what he was speaking about. Cassius knew he did too. The night he wandered in late and drove his master to worry.

"Nothing. Never mind." This time he pinched Keon's cheeks before slapping them.

"Ow! Hey, what is your problem?"

Cassius laughed. "Time to go."