
In her tears, Zhang Xiaoling made a promise to herself not to be directly involved in her mother's shams.

She didn't have a father to call her own, and her mother cared about her brother more than she did for her.

In this life, she only had herself to be on the lookout. Now, she was only going to think for herself and no one else.

When it was time for dinner, Zhang Xiaoling and Zhang Mingyu didn't come out.

The smell of food made both of them to wretch, and the scene from the day was still etched deeply in their heads, so how could they eat?

Not after seeing that disgusting scene.

Shi Wenqian was unbothered.

In the middle of the night, Zhang Mingyu was covered in cold sweat while panting heavily. He had just woken up from a nightmare.

He had dreamt that someone kidnapped him and took him to that same cold room were people were caught open.