Pissing her off

Mr. Fang never mentioned his final thought concerning being with Zhang Liling to anyone.

As time passed, he continued work on his perfume experiment to try and get her scent.

During weekend, Zhang Liling took permission from him and went back to the Zhang family to pick up her things.

Like promised, Zhang Renshu was around when she returned.

The man was sitting in the living room waiting for her to come around, until she appeared before him.

"Hello, Dad!" Zhang Liling greeted as she wore her shoes into the living room.

Zhang Renshu raised his gaze from the newspapers in his hands, as he slowly closed it before keeping it beaide him.

Glancing at his daughter who had already sat comfortably on one couch, he noticed some changes from her.

Her face seemed to glow, and she looked like she had added a little weight.

Zhang Renshu ended up being confused because he couldn't pinpoint if his eyes were playing tricks on him.