Chapter Twenty four: The old master's Question.

Xin was tired of fighting, he's been receiving punches and kicks on every part of his body but he wasn't able to punch Chris even once. And his assumed sister is cheering Chris instead of him, due to the punishment that the system was giving him. Xin immediately gave up and started walking towards the exit, but unexpectedly, Michelle had suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Hey, you're out." Xin said softly, causing Michelle to smile so beautifully.

"Yeah, I was out of the clinic yesterday night and I've been searching for you since then." She answered.

"I'm so glad that you're okay, thanks for risking your life to save me." Xin said as caressed the hair of his head.

"I should be the one thanking you. Thanks for your help." She said as she hugged Xin.

It was unexpected to Xin and his heartbeat had started beating loudly.

No one has ever gotten close to him that way, except his mother. Not even his sister had ever hugged him like that.

Xin was feeling embarrassed and he had momentarily pushed Michelle a bit backwards.

"Err, you're welcome Michelle." He said with a smile, trying to hide his shyness away from her.

Meanwhile, someone had already been walking towards the four students, it was the martial arts teacher, called the old master. His eyes were fixed on Xin's wristwatch.

As he approached the students, he cleared his throat, so they could see him coming.

"Eh ehm!" The old master said and the students had immediately turned their heads towards where the noise had came from.

"Sorry to disturb you, but can I ask you something about this watch?" The old master said as he stared at Xin's eyes.

Xin was worried at first, the thought that maybe this old man knew his identity was killing him, but then he remembered in the video that he watched, the system had mentioned that they originally came from this world. Perhaps this old man knows something about his family and this Omnitrix watch.

"I'm all in ears." Xin replied.

"Sorry to ask this but that watch looks familiar to me. Where did you got that watch?" The old master asked politely.

"Actually, my father gave it to me when I was young." Xin said in case he do a background check on him and Xinny.

According to Xinny, they didn't get to know their parents and the people that adopted them were newly wed couples whose ability to reproduce was absent. So if the man do a background check on them, he would think that Xinny's foster parents were the one that gave him the watch. And even if he go ahead to ask his foster parents more questions, since he said that he was given this watch when he was young, his foster parents might not remember, since it had been a long time.

"Oh, okay.. is that so?" The old master replied.

"Yes, and if I may ask, do you know anything about this watch?" Xin asked, his eyes were fixed on the old master's face to see if he's lying or not.

"Ahahaha, no!" The old master eyes twitched and to cover this up, he laughed softly, confirming Xin's observation. "The watch looks a bit familiar to a watch I once saw before." The old master said.

"Come on, you should get going... it's almost time for lunch." The old master tried to make them leave.

The four students left the hall but Xin can't help but smile at the achievement he had just received.

' I'll come back for you, old liar.' Xin was determined in his mind.

After leaving the martial arts hall, Xin and the remaining three students headed for the canteen but they were surprised as they saw that all of the low level students weren't allowed to receive their afternoon foods. Most of them frowned as they saw Xin coming into the canteen. They almost jumped at him, but the high level students that were there prevented them from doing anything.

"What's going on?" Xin asked as he noticed that only the high level students are present in the canteen.

"Megalon is the master mind beside this. He wants you to sit among the high level abilities at all cost." Chris answered.

"Is it a must?" Xin said as he took his food and head inside the canteen. He could see Megalon and his gangs sitting at a point while Jaden, the bully he had once fought with was seated on another point with his three gang members.

"This world is so terrifying." Xin said silently. He felt like everything in this world is just crazy. Stupid rules, crazy students, everything is just disgusting to him.

Xin sat beside a table that was far from where the high level students were seated and the other three students had sat beside him.

"Xin, i think we should leave now." Michelle said as she noticed the high level students making their way towards them.