Chapter Seventy Three: VR Game

The two of them continue walking into the game shop where all types of games could be seen played by the students. Apart from the vr game, the students could still play some other games but majority of them had their interest on the VR game and the capsule that was available wasn't enough for them all. Some left as soon as there weren't any capsules left, while others waited or entered into the game shop to play the other available games.

The other games that the students could play was located at the entrance of the shop while at the very back of the shop were VR pods for students to train and have fun with their abilities and powers.

Xin must admit this but they were just lucky to be given the very last tickets to play the school's VR game.

"Yeah, we're so lucky." Chris said as he passed through the other students who had gotten there before them. Some of them were still putting an helmet on while others are already playing the game.