Chapter Eighty Nine: Assembly Hall

Seeing the message on the watch, Xin started to Panic. They are to get to the assembly hall in the next ten minutes but Xin was still in a match that doesn't seem like it would end soon. The watch had warned not to get late or there would be severe punishment for anyone who comes late. If he wanted to make it back in time, he would need to leave now. He didn't have time to fight a match that wouldn't end in twenty minutes to this time.

Back at the spectators line, the students had also received the message on their watches but they were wondering if the match was going to continue or stop. It didn't seem like both opponents had started fighting. They saw Gabriel attack once while Xin displayed some strange attacks that looks confusing to the students. They saw him disappear into air but were not sure if it was Gabriel's ability that made Xin disappear or Xin was really cheating.