Chapter 102: you're Lily to me

5... 4... 3... 2... 1

< Congratulations, the Hinderer ability has been lifted, you can now enter the cargo with free access >

< Your invisibility ability has cooled off, do you wish to turn invisible again? >

The system asked after the two minutes they have been waiting finally came. But Xin was more concerned about something else. Lily was no longer the Lily that he knew. She was a different person entirely. Person isn't the word but monster. A blood sucking Monster. Xin had thought she was like Chris who turns into a friendly Minotaur but Lily had told him to stay back or she'll suck his blood. 

Without anyone telling Xin, he knew she wasn't just an ordinary beast. Something is different about her. But no matter what, Lily is still his friend. He would protect her to the end.