'Now, it's our time!' Ares thought as he and his comrades were nearly arriving at the deck of the three remaining ships. The crew was desperate and didn't know whether they shot on the members of the Retaliation Troop or tried to stop the three teenagers trying to reach their ship.
Ares, Amelia, and Arwin took advantage of that moment of despair to approach them without having a hard time. Some projectiles got shot against them but Arwin's and Amelia's spells served very well as protections. Also, Lancelot, who had been very discreet on that battle, was backing up all the members, using his spell to deflect the projectiles and to prevent the effect of their attacks to reach their own ship.
In short, Lancelot was acting as the damage controller of the party. He knew very well how Baltazar, Melissa, Julius, and Hera could be destructive when they wanted to.