The soldiers stared at the hooded person with a look of confusion. They didn't seem to understand her point. Why would that redheaded boy tire himself out just so Rebecca would be able to attack him at full force afterward? It didn't make much sense in their heads.
The hooded girl giggled as she noticed the look on their faces. She was finding it funny that they didn't seem to realize what were Ares' true intentions by attacking her so much, then leaving openings for her to do the same later during the battle.
"Didn't you notice that he is a type of fighter who will read his opponents before anything else? Right now, his pattern when fighting might seem odd, but he is doing it only for the sake of studying his opponent so he will be able to take him down as quickly as possible. That redheaded boy is used to fighting against people way stronger than him, so that's the only way he knows to fight against someone."