
No matter how long pass, no matter what is left behind, a sinner is always a sinner. 

Sins don't disappear. They always keep in the back of someone's mind and heart, prepared to go to the surface from time to time and punish them for what they did. One cannot escape from the sins they committed, but live with them and bear the bad things they did, carrying them on their backs forever. 

A sinner can forgive himself, he can try to find redemption in what he has faith that can absolve him from his crimes. Nonetheless, for a sinner to be forgiven, to be freed from himself, and to get his definitive and true redemption, he needs to pay twice for what he did.

Earth can crumble, the skies can fall apart, and every living being get reduced to dust and particles... but a sinner must pay. They will pay. Soon or later. Sometimes in very chaotic ways, others in sadistic ways, and some pay in ironic yet reasonable ways. But all of them pay.