Frontier town (12): Cooperation

Feeling deeply disturbed, Xia Ruize cautiously tried to withdraw from Cheng Huaiqian's embrace, but heard a good laugh from his head. Cheng Huaiqian looked at Xia Ruize's frightened animal-like movements and laughed, and his chest shook together.

Xia Ruize sat up suddenly in a hurry, stroked his nose helplessly, suddenly remembered something, and quickly turned to ask:

"I didn't press your wound, did I?"

He had always slept alone, and he really didn't know that his sleeping appearance was so average, but didn't he just aggravate the injury in his sleep!

Cheng Huaiqian took out his mobile phone and turned on the flashlight. Under the light of the flashlight, he got up and got out of the bed. He flicked his arms and kicked his legs. He even took off the bandage of the wound, and saw that the bleeding just stopped before going to bed. The wound was already scabbing at this time.

Xia Ruize was stunned. As the person who cleaned and bandaged the wound with his own hands, he knew the extent of Cheng Huaiqian's injuries. As a result, two bottles of healing potion, three rolls of bandages, and a sleep, would he be all right?

Cheng Huaiqian was also surprised. The two looked at each other, and they were shocked. Besides, it was clear that they were different from before.

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian began to check the record and data on their respective watches. It was now ten o'clock in the evening, from eight o'clock in the morning to the present, fourteen hours. For Xia Ruize, it was fourteen hours of earth-shaking changes.

Initially his data was:

[Name: Xia Ruize

Gender: Male

Age: 25

Strength: 1

Agility: 1

Physique: 3

Spirit: 1.2

Life: 30]

Now it had become:

[Name: Xia Ruize

Gender: Male

Age: 25

Strength: 4.4

Agility: 2.6

Physique: 4.6

Spirit: 1.7

Life: 46]

Xia Ruize had personally experienced the effect of improving strength and agility. Even he himself was a little uncomfortable. His hands that didn't seem to change much contain amazing power.

Behind every change in data was a cruel fighting and cold life. The increase in these data was also pushing him in an inhuman direction.

Xia Ruize raised his head to look at Cheng Huaiqian. After reading the data, Cheng Huaiqian accepted it well. He had started to remove the thick bandages from other wounds as if nothing had happened. After carefully checking the wounds with the light of the mobile phone, he tied two circles of thin bandages.

His wounds had recovered to 80% or 90%, and his normal actions were basically not affected. Such a speed of recovery was really unexpected, and Cheng Huaiqian couldn't help thinking further.

The actions in his hand did not affect the data exchange between Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize. The last barbarian leader was killed by Xia Ruize. Cheng Huaiqian wanted to know the gain after killing the barbarian leader.

Xia Ruize didn't conceal it. In his opinion, the barbarian leader should have been Cheng Huaiqian's record. In the end, he was embarrassed to let him go.

After handling his wounds, Cheng Huaiqian looked at Xia Ruize, with a strange light flashing in his dark eyes, inviting:

"Would you like to do something big together?"

Seeing Xia Ruize's mouth opened in surprise, Cheng Huaiqian smiled at the corner of his mouth and continued to explain:

"The main mission I received was to survive for three days and kill three barbarians. Of course, there are more than three barbarians in Bianlu City. I am a little curious. If all the barbarians in Bianlu City are dead, will the task of survival for three days be automatically carried out?

I have calculated that our strength and agility have increased a lot, whether it is attacking or life-saving, the ability is stronger than before, and we can try to challenge higher difficulty. "

This idea was crazy, but Xia Ruize knew that Cheng Huaiqian was not joking.

Xia Ruize hesitated. He was actually a nerd and he suddenly appeared in this inexplicable world. The first thing he thought about was to hide, it wasn´t until someone died and was bullied in front of him that he became clearly aware that if he did not rise up, he was the next victim.

Afterwards, although he bravely took the initiative to find the Jixiang restaurant to complete the mission of killing the barbarians, the essence was to protect himself.

The biggest accident was probably that he met Cheng Huaiqian and agreed to Cheng Huaiqian's request for cooperation. It seemed that he was helping Cheng Huaiqian solve the barbarians, but it was Cheng Huaiqian who led him to achieve the record.

After resting for one afternoon and one night, Xia Ruize's head was sober and calm. This cellar was very hidden and there were sesame seeds in his space. It was inevitable that he would simply hide here for two days and not venture out.

But Cheng Huaiqian was obviously different from him. Cheng Huaiqian was a man with crazy adventure genes in his bones. He was not satisfied with sticking to the rules of the mission, but was brave enough to challenge the limit. This was the difference in the two people's personalities.

Xia Ruize fell into deep thought, and Cheng Huaiqian did not urge him. No matter what Xia Ruize chose in the end, Cheng Huaiqian could understand.

Cheng Huaiqian took out the [Thunder Sword Technique] that Xia Ruize had pushed to him before and studied it. He was in a half-dead state before, so he just put it away and didn't study it. Now it was different. Now he wanted to make trouble and must use all methods to improve himself.

[Thunder Sword Technique] was in the style of a white book, but it was only a style. It didn't really have pages. Cheng Huaiqian didn't know how to use it, so he tried to "open the book" to break the middle part of the exercise.

With a little effort, the whole book suddenly shattered into some white light spots, floating into Cheng Huaiqian's body.

Xia Ruize stopped thinking and looked curiously.

Cheng Huaiqian checked the tips of his watch, turned his hand and took out a long knife, and immediately felt that he was different from before.

Before, he relied on his powerful control of the body to use the large knife. It was not that he was really proficient in the technique of knives. Now his body seemed to have its own memory and was very familiar with the large knife. During the process of swinging the long knife, he even had the illusion that he was an exquisite swordsman.

Seeing Cheng Huaiqian flipping through his hands, Xia Ruize thought of his weapons and took out his newly acquired white top-grade crossbow.

The data of the top-grade crossbow far surpassed those of the low-grade crossbow and for the current Xia Ruize, it was a powerful weapon.

When he had a low-grade crossbow, he dared to go to ambush in the Jixiang restaurant alone. It didn't make sense that he now had a stronger physical fitness and a more powerful weapon, and instead, he dared not challenge, just wanted to hide and live by himself.

"Okay, let's go together!"

Xia Ruize made a decision. At this moment, something seemed to break out of the cocoon and thrive.

"Happy cooperation!"

Cheng Huaiqian smiled and stretched out his hand, Xia Ruize coordinated to hold it, and Cheng Huaiqian held it tightly and shook it, and a modern etiquette came.

"Happy cooperation."

Xia Ruize also laughed. It was indeed a pleasure to cooperate with Cheng Huaiqian. Although they had not known each other for a long time, the two had gone through too many tests and understand that the other was a reliable, strong, and good teammate who could take care of each other.

After making a decision, the two began to prepare.