Frontier town (35)

They saw Cheng Huaiqian tearing off a big piece from the barbecue, as if he hadn't bitten it by accident. The piece of meat fell to the ground. Cheng Huaiqian continued to ride forward with a pity, and the barbarians behind frantically rushed to grab the piece of barbecue, they didn't care about Cheng Huaiqian who laughed badly.

The barbarians stayed in camps throughout the winter, reducing their activity as much as possible, resisting the cold and hunger, and getting used to being hungry.

But now, they could no longer resist. The full stomach before the battle arouses their yearning for fullness, and they could no longer stand hunger.

Now let alone a bite of meat, even if there was only a piece of cake that couldn't be eaten, the barbarians could fight for it, let alone the fragrant meat?

Seeing that the ordinary barbarian warriors did not follow the command and chased the Daxia cavalry to go north again, the small chief of the barbarian tribe was shocked and completely defeated.

Before the battle, the elders of the family had in fact warned him that before grabbing enough food from Daxia, he must ensure the supply of food and grass for his soldiers. It was possible for ordinary barbarians to blow up camps if they were starved and mad.

The small chief didn't care about this before. In his memory, the barbarian subordinates always obey the command of the superior and would not rebel at all.

The granary was burned last night. Although angry, the small chief was not too anxious. He thought that as long as the food rescued was enough for the morning's breakfast, they would be able to rush to Bianlu City before lunch and replenish new food.

The small chief only didn't consider that the Daxia people would still have a back hand after burning the granary. They came early in the morning to stimulate them to chase the small cavalry team to go north, wasting a whole day's time and energy, and the barbarian army not only suffered heavy losses, It also delayed more important tasks, so that the sky was already dark, and they had not even go more than a hundred meters south!

Now, the ordinary barbarians at the lowest level were out of control. The small chief looked around. Except for the Guards and the high-level barbarians, there were few big and small bosses who could be sent out to gather the team.

Frozen for a while, the small chief snorted heavily, and decided to simply abandon the ordinary barbarians who did not obey the command and drag the Daxia cavalry, while he took the guards and the high-level barbarians who were still obedient guarding around to the side to march towards Bianlu city overnight.

He only needed to contact the general leader who arrived in Bianlu City first, and then bring the grain and grass back to gather his subordinates.

Similarly, the small chief once again did not consider whether Bianlu city was really in the hands of the first leader, or in other words, he subconsciously avoided thinking about this issue and decisively ordered the whole army to go south.

The guards of the small chief were at the lowest level of the small boss. The winter was better, and the treatment with the small leader was usually better. At this time, you could stay sensible. After hearing the small chief's order, they swallowed patiently. Finally, still withdrawing their dismayed gaze, followed the small chief along the road to the south.

At this time, the sky was almost dark, and the road ahead was almost invisible. There were barbarians dealing with the torches. After the torches were lit, they could barely illuminate.

But after taking a few steps, the sound of horseshoes suddenly came from their ears!

The barbarians turned their heads in horror to see that Xia Ruize, who was holding a crossbow, chasing them on horseback. But the barbarians couldn't see clearly the unlit area of ​​the torch, only knowing that Daxia cavalry should be approaching.

Xia Ruize gave Cheng Huaiqian his roast rabbit, and he drove his horse to chase the team of the small chief, without even saying hello, an arrow shot at the barbarian team.

The sky was too dark, even if the torch was lit, the barbarians couldn't see Xia Ruize who was some distance away. The guards of the barbarian chief didn't know how to dodge. They couldn't hide, they couldn´t counterattack. There was no way to counterattack during the day, and they couldn't even see where their opponent was at night. How to counterattack?

It was difficult for the barbarians to understand, why the Daxia cavalry dare to gallop so presumptuously at night? Weren´t they afraid that the horse's hoof would fall and the cavalrymen on the horse would be thrown out and the neck will be broken?

The Barbarian Guards, who were destined to get no answer, could only surround the small leaders in the center to protect them. The weapons in their hands were waving at will without rules. Whether they could successfully resist the crossbow attack was pure luck.

Xia Ruize unhurriedly rode his horse around this group of nearly 400 barbarian teams and shot continuously. He didn't raise the torch himself. The barbarians couldn't see his position at all, but he could accurately locate the barbarian holding the torch and accurately shoot crossbow arrows from the gaps in the chaotic swings of the barbarians.

The poor hungry barbarians wanted to walk fast, wanted to hide but couldn't avoid, wanted to fight back but couldn't fight back, they were in dire straits, struggling, and really miserable.

On the other side, Cheng Huaiqian watched at the right time and issued a loud order. The cavalry under him immediately threw the roasted rabbit out of their hands, and then slowly gathered towards Cheng Huaiqian's position.

Cheng Huaiqian gathered up his cavalry and asked them to follow his horse one after another like the night before, and then led the cavalry to gallop on the moonlight, and they were scattered into ten teams because of chasing different piles of barbarians left, they shuttled back and forth among small piles of barbarians to kill.

The barbarians were gathering together in piles and busy fighting for the delicious roasted rabbits. They couldn't see the Daxia cavalry who rushed over. When they heard the sound, apart from panicking, they didn't even know where to hide.

Cheng Huaiqian brought his cavalry back and forth in the battlefield time and time again. In order to take care of the cavalry behind, Cheng Huaiqian was not fast, but each group of barbarians was pierced four or five times. After they killed around 100 barbarians, they finally stood up and shouted and tried to gather the rest of the barbarians together.

The sky was completely dark, but the barbarians who prepared the torches in advance were very few. Most of the barbarians were completely blind, looking around in panic, and could not see anything, except for the constant sound of horseshoes and the screams of their compatriots after being injured. The barbarians couldn't even figure out where the Daxia cavalry is.

Who could have imagined that the Daxia cavalry in the night was even more terrifying than in the daytime?

Here, after Xia Ruize chased the team of the small chief to the south for nearly twenty minutes, he deliberately walked to the back of the barbarian team. Sure enough, it didn't take long for the barbarian in front of him to scream.

In the darkness, the barbarians in the rear panicked and didn't know what happened before, but Xia Ruize knew that this was the trap they had designed and made since last night and came in handy.

Traps that were hard to distinguish during the day, and even harder to detect at night. The leading barbarians stepped on the air. After falling into the trap, the barbarians behind them subconsciously hid on both sides, but these were the series of traps arranged by Cheng Huaiqian. The stomping on the air, the upside-down hanging, all of a sudden, panic screams one after another.

The small chief who was guarded in the middle couldn't figure out what was going on. He couldn't do anything except loudly order to quiet down his men.

Xia Ruize took advantage of the chaos and rushed into the barbarian queue and quickly killed with a long sword.

Finally, after filling in five traps and the death of dozen compatriots, the barbarians calmed down and continued to move forward.

The barbarians at the beginning had to stretch out their feet to test every step they took. As a result, the speed of the entire team naturally slowed down, giving Xia Ruize more opportunities to attack.

After walking safely for three minutes, the barbarians finally felt relieved and dared to speed up a bit, and then they fell into a series of traps…

After losing dozens of barbarians again, the barbarians who chose to follow the small chief to the south have dropped sharply from nearly 400 to less than 300.

Although the small chief couldn't see the specific situation, he subconsciously felt that the situation was not right, but he had already come here, how could he return?

Therefore, the small chief could only order to continue walking.

In the third series of traps, Xia Ruize ignored the barbarians who were in panic, but gathered the six cavalry soldiers who had previously been responsible for burning down the barbarian camp, and the two cavalryman who were sent to transport the horses last night.

These cavalries have been digging traps here for a whole afternoon before they could kill many barbarians one after another.

Xia Ruize let the six cavalry soldiers who had experience marching the night before, interspersed with other comrades in charge, and then rode side by side, following his horse.

Xia Ruize slowed down and was a little farther away from the barbarian team. He ordered his cavalry to shoot at the direction of the barbarian team.

After three consecutive waves of traps, the small chief finally couldn't hold it. Under the unanimous persuasion of the surrounding guards, he decided to abandon the idea of ​​rushing to Bianlu City overnight, and return to the more familiar camp to the north to guard the whole night. They would discuss it again during the day tomorrow.

Continuing to walk in the dark, be constantly attacked by traps and Daxia cavalry, continuing to lose, and their entire army would be destroyed and they would not be able to go to Bianlu City!

Therefore, the small chief ordered to return to the previous camp again, but such repeated tossing wasted the most critical time to rebuild the camp before the sky was completely dark, plus the loss of the slaves responsible for the logistics, made it so that the barbarians did not even have a way to build an overnight camp.

Without the fence, there was no way to resist the interference attack of the Daxia cavalry. There were barbarians who gather all the barbarians who remain in the camp area, but they could only hold them together and squeeze into a ball to resist passively.

As a result, when he was frightened outside, the small chief, who thought he would get better by returning to the camp and getting together with the large forces, returned to the camp with his guards, but was carried and wrapped into chaos instead.

Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize were able to reunite, and their men became forty cavalries. Cheng Huaiqian sent two cavalries back to Bianlu city to report.

Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize themselves couldn't believe it. With the strong cooperation of the barbarian army, they not only completed the task of delaying the progress of the barbarian army, but even hoped to completely leave the barbarian in the wilderness that originally belonged to the barbarian camp.

The barbarians on both sides met, and the barbarians who survived to this day only had less than four hundred numbers.

Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize took the remaining thirty-eight cavalry, and they either cut back and forth in the barbarian camp, or circled and attacked the remaining barbarians, slaughtering the panicked barbarians at will.

The Daxia cavalry behind the two commanders' horses actually couldn't see anything, but they didn't care. Instead, they followed the trajectory of the front comrades without fear. The commander instructed them to attack on which side they would attack. Anyway, the barbarians were more chaotic and couldn't even organize an effective counterattack.

This night, for the barbarians, was a nightmare, and the attacks of the Daxia cavalry were like ghosts, coming and going invisible.

Forty cavalries kept cutting back and forth tirelessly, ignorantly, the number of barbarians became fewer and fewer.

When the color finally appeared on the side of the day, the surviving barbarians breathed a sigh of relief. The sky finally lights up, they could gather to fight back and give the Daxia cavalry a little bit of color!

However, when the sky really lights up completely, the barbarians who saw their situation were completely at a loss.

They saw that the area that originally belonged to the barbarian camp was full of fallen barbarians. Looking around, there were not many standing compatriots.

After a whole night of harvesting, the number of surviving barbarians was less than one hundred, and they were all lucky enough to escape from the large army, scattered and hiding in other places. Because of the distance, Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian did not see either.

In fact, at about five in the morning, Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize stopped attacking. There was no way, there was no large group of barbarians gathered together, so they simply took their men to rest on a hill away from the battlefield.

After the sky lit up, the barbarians were looking for teammates, and Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize were also looking for the barbarians.

Cheng Huaiqian's eyes that were patrolling the battlefield brightened and he bumped into Xia Ruize's shoulder. Xia Ruize looked in the direction indicated by his teammate and saw the small chief who didn't know where to hide during the chaos last night.

Very good, he has fully burned and played his value, and now, he was useless.

Xia Ruize stretched the bow and shot three consecutive arrows at the barbarian chief.

A small guard leader saw Xia Ruize's movement first, jumped to block in front of the small chief, and withstood Xia Ruize's attack.

But the arrow still penetrated the small chief, stabbing the small chief of the barbarian clan. Even if he was injured, the small chief didn't have much reaction. He stared at the men everywhere, red and dazzling.

The small chief was frustrated and at a loss. In the history of the barbarian fighting against Daxia, there had never been such a tragic record. His name would probably be nailed to the barbarian's shame pillar and passed on from generation to generation.

The small chief with more than one thousand six hundred barbarian army, was actually destroyed and killed by a mere day and two nights by forty cavalries! This was an incredible record of disparity!

The desperate small chief was attacked by Xia Ruize's next arrow and took the last brilliance in his eyes. This time, the only guards around him did not rush over to defend him.

Suddenly there was a huge movement in the distance. The Daxia cavalry and the surviving barbarians all looked in the direction of the movement, which was the south.

The eyes of the surviving barbarians who had just added two points of hope were completely dimmed. The movement came from the south side, and it was more likely to be the reinforcement of the Daxia than the reinforcement of the barbarian.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the cavalry to be in front and the infantry in the back. Colonel Ma led the brutal cavalry camp and appeared on the edge of the battlefield.

Colonel Ma waved his hand, and immediately, cavalry and infantry were dispatched at the same time to surround the entire battlefield, and under the personal command of Colonel Ma, the entire battlefield was thoroughly cleaned up.

In the middle of the night, the cavalry sent by Cheng Huaiqian returned to Bianlu City and brought back a heavy news and Colonel Ma, who was awakened from his sleep, was completely shaken out of the clouds.

The barbarian army had come to an end, and the whole army was in sight?!

This time, the cavalry sent back by Cheng Huaiqian was a cavalry who had fought with the two for a whole day. They saw with their own eyes how the barbarian army was seduced to the north and how to escape back to the camp.

Therefore, after repeatedly confirming that the news that he heard were true, and not falsely reporting the military situation, the barbarian camp cavalry who stayed behind in Bianlu city and the barbarian camp infantry who have arrived in Bianlu city all fell into a kind of "the world is not real" illusory trance.

Not to mention that the Barbarians have never had such a defeat, and Daxia had never had such a victory!

From which deep mountain and old forest were these fairy figures? Going out of the mountain was to save Daxia from the water and fire, right?!

It may be that this news was really shocking, but Colonel Ma woke up from the impact faster than before hearing the news that Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize had captured the barbarian army.

In short, Colonel Ma waved his hand and decided to attack the whole army!

The entire brutal cavalry camp moved, marching overnight, rushing to the battlefield.

This was why the Barbarian Cavalry rushed to the battlefield at dawn. After arriving at the battlefield, Colonel Ma was completely convinced. Fortunately, he decisively ordered to drive overnight, otherwise the two strong men would be able to clean up the entire barbarian army. where did he need to be there?

So, after ordering his subordinates to surround the battlefield and carefully clean them up to ensure that there were no barbarians slipping through the net, Colonel Ma brought a group of generals to find Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize in person. He must praise them in person.

What were Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize doing at this time? Seeing that the man riding camp had arrived and the situation was settled, the two of them simply hid away and were hiding in a clean place outside the battlefield to "divide the spoils".

Although the extended mission had not been reminded yet, and the reward had not been issued, they got a lot of treasure chests for killing barbarian and their spaces were about to burst.

Using himself as the calculation standard, Cheng Huaiqian found that the drop rate of the treasure chest of the second extended mission was further reduced. He still got the big head of the kill, but only the pitiful 14 treasure chests would be dropped.

Fortunately, compared with him, his teammate was the lucky Emperor of lucky emperors, and a full 72 treasure chests have dropped. Xia Ruize's system space couldn't even fit, and Cheng Huaiqian's system space was also full.

Excited and sad, Cheng Huaiqian's heart was filled with a sentence: Only when the tide is low can you see who is swimming naked!

When thinking about the first main mission, Cheng Huaiqian got fewer treasure chests than Xia Ruize, and the quality of the treasures was slightly worse than Xia Ruize, but everyone's drop rate was very high, and the gap was not so obvious.

But when doing the first extended mission, the difference in the drop rate of the treasure chest between the two was obvious. By the time of the second extended mission, the difference in the explosion rate of the treasure chest was so big that Cheng Huaiqian hadn't even noticed it.

Without seeing him, he simply didn't look at it. Anyway, their consistent tacit understanding was to split equally, presumably his lucky emperor teammate would not abandon him when dividing the spoils.

Of course, Xia Ruize would not abandon Cheng Huaiqian. In fact, although Xia Ruize had many treasure chests in his hands, he really felt that Cheng Huaiqian should get most of the spoils.

Without Cheng Huaiqian's dragging and dragging him to such a point, Xia Ruize couldn't believe that he could do such an earth-shattering event.

According to his character, his courage may only support him to kill three barbarians, and then he would hide until after three days.

But because of Cheng Huaiqian's every kind of encouragement and every plan, Xia Ruize achieved such a result.

Xia Ruize firmly believes that the contribution of his teammate was greater, and he should take the lead. And Cheng Huaiqian firmly believed that without Xia Ruize's luck, they could not get so many treasure chests. After the two compromised with each other, they always adhered to the original gentleman agreement, whether it was a record or a reward, half for each person.

Therefore, holding the idea that the other party should give priority to receiving more rewards, the two displayed all the trophies in their respective spaces.

In the next second, Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian were suddenly buried by a large amount of loot. Both of them were placed in the open space in the middle. As a result, the reserved space was far from enough to fit the pile of loot. The result of calculation errors was that the wo man fell into a pile of treasures.

After a daze, the two looked at each other and suddenly laughed together.

Fortunately, Xia Ruize, such as sesame oil, black gunpowder, and Mongolian sweat medicine, was reserved. Otherwise, their extended missions would end with their own death. If the barbarian chief was lucky enough to know the news, he might be able to come back to life with laughter.

After having fun, the two began to count the spoils happily. The most striking thing was the treasure chest of the small barbarian chief, which unexpectedly dropped two yellow low-grade weapons:

[Breaking Cloud Crossbow (yellow lower grade): The attack power is very large, the shooting speed is very fast, the shooting range is very long, and the arrows are automatically filled with fast speed. The attack is almost silent, and it can be charged to send out air arrows. Additional toxic attributes, penetrating attributes. The matching quiver replenishes 240 arrows every hour, and automatically restores 4 arrows every minute. A maximum of 480 arrows can be stored in stacks.]

[Breaking Knife (yellow lower grade): The attack power is very strong; the hardness is very strong. Additional sharp attributes, continuous bleeding attributes, and highly poisonous attributes. Can be charged to send out a one-meter-long hole-breaking virtual blade.]

These two weapons were completely customized according to the fighting habits of Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian. Xia Ruize took the crossbow and Cheng Huaiqian took the knife.

To be honest, the two of them led the team to make such a big bloody storm, which had a lot to do with the weapons produced by the treasure chest.

Xia Ruize's crossbows and bows could all be automatically supplemented with arrows, which ensures that he can attack for a long time.

Cheng Huaiqian's spears, broadswords, and long swords all crush the barbarians' weapons in quality. During a battle, the weapons could easily cut off the barbarian's weapons when they collide. The weapons were gone. How could the barbarians be able to stop Cheng Huaiqian's attack?

Not to mention that both of them were wearing armor, even if an attack falls on them, it was likely to be of no use at all.

A worker must first sharpen his tools if he wants to be good at his work. Only when the two of them have powerful weapons in their hands will they all go smoothly.

Therefore, both of them knew what the yellow low-grade weapon represented in their hands. The previous two yellow-grade exercises could prove that there was a qualitative difference between white and yellow.

In addition to the two yellow low-grade weapons, the small chief's treasure chest also had two white top-grade exercises "Broken Mountain Arc Bow" and "Red Fire Pointing Gun" and two treasures:

[Golden Lotus Flower: Strength +2]

[White Jade Silk: Agility +2]

Xia Ruize took [Broken Mountain Arc Bow] and the White Jade Silk, and Cheng Huaiqian took [Red Fire Pointing Gun] and the Golden Lotus Flower.