The battle of kings (4): “Theater”

That's right, Xia Ruize, who appeared at the entrance of the passage, had already seen that two contestants had already been seated on the stepped stands facing the stage.

The one on the left was a burly man who could be called a giant, sitting there like a small mountain. At this time, his helmet of protective armor had been taken off, and the square face with scars was facing Xia Ruize, his eyes were fierce and wanton, measuring the thin Xia Ruize.

On the right was a young man with blond hair and blue eyes, very handsome. He also took off his helmet when he saw Xia Ruize appear. He immediately put a smile on his face, stood up, walked towards Xia Ruize friendly, and spoke actively:

"Friends from the East, fortunate to meet, this is the rest area. We have passed the second level, but we still need to wait here for all the contestants who successfully pass the second level to arrive before the third level can be opened. It is better to sit together. There are coffee and whiskey here. I don't know which one you like better."

Although the malicious perception was not stimulated, Xia Ruize chose to avoid indifferently when faced with the blond man who was approaching.

He had "seen" that there were red bloodstains in the concealment of this player's protective armor that had been neglected to be cleaned. Along the way, Xia Ruize had never encountered a mutant creature whose blood was red. Wasn´t it possible that the biggest bloodstains come from other contestants?

Mutant creatures were indeed terrifying, but humans were no less.

Faced with Xia Ruize's refusal to give up face, the blond man smiled indifferently, and returned to his original seat, enjoying the drinks and refreshments provided by the organizer next to the seat, while continuing to wait for the arrival of other contestants.

Xia Ruize avoided the two people occupying the center of the stand and sat down to rest on the far-right side of the stand.

In the stands, there was a small snack cabinet every certain distance, Xia Ruize also had one, but he had no interest in tasting, who knew if the food prepared by the bad organizer was poisonous.

On the contrary, the bathroom at the top corner of the stand aroused Xia Ruize's interest.

With his current dress, it was really difficult to go to the bathroom. You needed to take off the big protective armor before you could completely release yourself.

In the spacious bathroom single room, Xia Ruize stared at the water flowing away from the toilet for a few seconds. When closing the toilet lid, he secretly threw in the killer vine seeds that had just been obtained not long ago.

Afterwards, Xia Ruize seemed to be sitting on the toilet lid and shutting himself down, but he was actually controlling the seed that was closely related to him and growing continuously.

Xia Ruize also didn't know the principle of the items produced by the Lord God. Just like the amber eagle and amber warhorse in the previous world, they could communicate with the users without eating or drinking, providing them with great help in tracking the barbarians in the later stage.

And in this mission world, he wanted this killer vine to grow wantonly in the sewers. It should, too, be feasible, right?

With an attitude of trying for nothing, Xia Ruize sat on the toilet for half an hour, during which there was only one thought in his mind: grow, grow!

Finally, he had to say that it was indeed the most difficult mutant plant known in the Rogge star. The tenacious vitality and growth potential of the killing vine had even exceeded the expectations of Xia Ruize.

When Xia Ruize re-worn his protective armor and appeared in the stands, several new faces had appeared in this theater-like rest area.

Xia Ruize, who spent more than an hour to pass the second level, had long understood. The second level was called "Maze", but for the players, the real test was not the terrain at all, but the mutant creatures in the transit area and other contestants.

Players like him who chose the rightmost channel every time he found a fork in the road, and if it is a dead end, proceed to the left channel in turn, had successfully passed the maze, which shows that the difficulty of the terrain of the maze was actually not high.

A player who failed to pass the level was probably not because he couldn't pass the maze, but that he was not strong enough and had to avoid the mutant creatures in the transit area. After a number of times, he would be completely lost.

In the next hour, several more players arrived in the rest area one after another.

Every time a newcomer came, the blond man would greet him warmly and friendly and try to communicate. Some players refuse to communicate like Xia Ruize, and some players respond to the exchange, and the two sides quickly become enthusiastic.

Thus, when the three loud noises of "Boom, Boom, Boom" sounded through the entire labyrinth area, four contestants were already surrounding the blond men, communicating with each other.

The loud noise in the maze immediately attracted the attention of all the players in the rest area, and they all realized that this meant that the second level was about to end.

Xia Ruize and other players who had already walked out of the maze couldn't see it. After the loud noise that prompted three hours had passed, a great change took place in the maze.

The transfer area that was not guarded by the mutant creatures was arranged by the organizer to drop new mutant creatures. What was even more frightening was that the new mutant creatures were no longer restricted to the scope of the transfer area and could arbitrarily drill into the passage to search for prey.

In the past three hours, a total of 21 players died of mutant creatures or the hands of other contestants, and 53 players successfully passed the second level, scattered in the rest areas in four different directions, that is, the maze area. There were 15 players still desperately trying to find the exit of the maze.

Now, these 15 contestants had become a tool for the organizer to stir up the audience's emotions and create the second climax of the show.

Contestants who had cleared the level were no longer paying attention. The organizer and the audiences were all focused on the 15 poor eggs in the maze who were frightened by the sudden change.

The danger level of the maze was increased instantly. The 15 contestants who had not left the maze were the most direct victims. At first, they tried to attack and resist, but they soon realized that the fighting movement would attract other mutant creatures, so they had to be in the passage, fleeing to avoid the mutant creatures that were chasing, and couldn't even think of counterattacking.

In a panic, the players forgot to clean the part of the maze map that they had finally explored. Unknowingly, some people even fled in the direction of the small room in the first level. The various performances of the players who collapsed in despair and the miserable ways of death made the organizers very satisfied, and also made the viewers who watched the show shouted and excited.

In the end, only one of the 15 contestants successfully hit the correct channel and became the last one to pass the second level.

The players who had arrived in the rest area were prevented from falling into such a miserable situation, but they heard the noise from the passage, their expressions were different, and the atmosphere was silent.

"Slap, slap, slap."

In the rest area where Xia Ruize was, the blond man clapped his hands to attract everyone's attention. Standing in the center of everyone's sight, he smiled and said to the other 13 contestants in the theater:

"Dear friends, my name is Cloris. Since we can gather here, it means that the next level may require everyone to work together to clear the level.

I think it's better for you to introduce yourself first, introduce your own abilities and specialties and the number of energy boxes on your body. We can understand each other better and help each other more easily at critical moments. "

"Cut it! It sounds better than singing, who knows whether to help each other or dig each other at the critical moment? What are you, why should we tell you our hole cards?"

As soon as Cloris's voice fell, a young man with cool red hair who was resting alone in the corner immediately made a mockery.

Although his voice was harsh, his words could be regarded as the thoughts of other players. Who knew if the next level was to be friends or enemies, and who dared to tell the truth about oneself?

"I am the second to arrive in the rest area. This is proof of my strength. The first brother is not good at words, so I took the initiative to stand up and be willing to act as a link to condense everyone's strength and lead everyone to the end together."

After being questioned, Cloris didn't see any irritation, but continued to patiently persuade him, his face full of sincere expressions of worry for everyone.

"I'm afraid you can't represent my attitude."

Unexpectedly, the brawny man who looked like a small mountain stood up when he heard the words. Even though both of them were wearing protective armor, the brawny man who stood up was still half a meter taller than Cloris, and looked down at Cloris, who was wearing a hat of "bad words", the burly man said angrily:

"My name is Ivanov. I am the first to clear the level and arrive in the rest area. If you want to follow me, you should follow the strongest me! If you are not convinced, let's fight!"

Sniffing the strong smell of gunpowder between the two, the other contestants stepped back some distance, as if they were vacating an area convenient for them to fight.

As the third place, Xia Ruize continued to sit in the corner, watching coldly, and reserved his attitude in silence.

Xia Ruize looked at the two people at the center of the conflict, and couldn't help but think of his teammate from the previous world. With the arrogant and aggressive behavior of his teammate, if he were here, he might take the lead in frantic provocation for fear that the world would not be chaotic.

Even if it was necessary to unite with other players to pass the level, his teammate would probably not slow down the cruel words, but would directly convince everyone else. That's good, there will be an obedient brother.

Thinking of this, Xia Ruize seemed to be able to see the scene, and even wanted to laugh a little.

In comparison, Xia Ruize's personality was too peaceful, he only swept the snow in front of his own house, regardless of the personality of others, he didn't want to cause trouble. As a result, he would just sit on the sidelines and watch the situation develop.

But was trouble really something that Xia Ruize could avoid if he wants to?

Obviously not. Cloris, who was in the center of the conflict, dragged Xia Ruize decisively into the water. He turned to Xia Ruize's direction and asked sincerely:

"As the third player to arrive in the rest area, who do you support more?"

Following Cloris's gaze, the other players looked at Xia Ruize sitting in the right corner of the stands. Cloris did not say, they really could not expect that the elegant and thin young man turned out to be the one of the first three people who cleared the level.

Xia Ruize was actually a bit wronged. His figure was not thin among Asians. On the contrary, he was tall and well-proportioned. But there was no way. The first world encountered were different races more than two meters high. Most of the contestants in this world were the image of a muscular man in the West, Xia Ruize's body completely contrasted with theirs.

Ignoring the suspicion of everyone's gaze, Xia Ruize, who was suddenly dragged into the water, still maintained a calm and peaceful expression, but was in a daze. He hesitated in the choice of continuing to keep low-key silence and simply jumping out to make trouble, and then he felt like he seemed to be affected by the teammate in the novice world, because he finally replied:

"I am Xia Ruize. I think I am the most reliable. I vote for myself and you can follow me."

As soon as this remark came out, the scene suddenly became more chaotic.

When both Cloris and Ivanov were surprised by Xia Ruize, who was supposed to be on the edge of self-exile, two more players jumped out one after another to compete for the position of team leader.

It was originally a strong competition between Cloris and Ivanov, but because of Xia Ruize's words, it turned into a multi-party melee. This was something Cloris never expected. He saw Xia Ruize´s attitude to protect himself. He thought that Xia Ruize would choose between him and Ivanov, who was more friendly. Who would have thought Xia Ruize would recommend himself?

What was even more annoying was that Xia Ruize's well-behaved and harmless appearance naturally made people less defensive, and actually made two contestants choose to favor him and stand next to him.

After some confusion, each of whom said each word, there were four people standing beside Cloris, three people standing beside Ivanov, two people standing beside Xia Ruize, and two others standing alone.

As a result, a mere fourteen contestants actually separated in five groups of forces!

Cloris was stunned to death, what kind of shame were these people? What broken camp did you choose? There were only a few people, and they had to be scattered. It was completely self-defeating!

The other players didn't have the true feelings of Cloris, who knew what the next level would be, maybe everyone would fight each other to decide the winner at the beginning. Now the so-called standing team was just standing and playing.

In the face of the chaotic situation, Xia Ruize was indifferent, even wanted to laugh a little bit.

He just didn't want Cloris to get the position of team leader. If the next level really required teamwork, he may choose to vote for Ivanov.

As for the other two players who leaned on him?

One of them also had an oriental appearance, and it was probably because of this that he chose Xia Ruize.

The other one was interesting; it was the brown-haired and green-eyed sneak attacker Xia Ruize met first and killed another contestant.

When the other party looked at Xia Ruize, Xia Ruize's malicious perception ability will be passively stimulated, and he felt that the other party was full of maliciousness. Therefore, the other party would choose him, the motivation was very interesting.

Anyway, Xia Ruize didn't really want to win over a younger brother, so he didn't care very much. He calmly listened to the exchanges between the two, and learned that the man with the eastern face was named Kenro Yamano, and the dangerous man with brown hair and green eyes was called Abraham.

The fourteen players who had fallen into a stalemate in their own political stalemate did not know that there were actually four rest areas after the second pass, which were arranged in four directions and look liked four small theaters.

After watching the wonderful show of the poor egg trapped in the maze struggling to survive, the audience turned their eyes to the four small theaters, and they were glad to see that the players had torn each other.

In contrast, the players in the East Theater where Xia Ruize was located were only arguing, and the conflict level was considered low, because the players in the two other small theaters had directly started to fight.

One was the South Theater with the smallest number of players. There was a dangerous figure in the South Theater, which had only 9 clearance players. He did not conceal the fact that his protective armor was contaminated by other players' bloodstains. He sent a death threat to other players in the same rest area.

If the other eight people were not aware of the situation in time and chose to form a temporary alliance to fight the dangerous people together, I am afraid that one or two more staff would have to be reduced in the rest area.

Even so, the two sides fought inexorably. Under the siege of eight players, the dangerous man could cope with it, and finally exited the encirclement safely, which was enough to show that his strength was extraordinary.

The other one was the Western Theater with the largest number of people. It may be that the 16 players who successfully arrived in the rest area seemed to be a bit too many, and there were also many opinions. After the fierce quarrel, two players who had fallen into the maze suddenly attacked each other. It only took tens of seconds to go from going solo to getting most of the players into a melee.

Therefore, compared to the two theaters where conflicts between the South and the West were escalating, the contestants of the East Theater, where Xia Ruize was, were just arguing, was really nothing.

Of course, the most "harmonious" was the North Theater with 15 players, because two of them were naturally a team. Under their strategy of drawing the majority and directly attacking the minority, they finally successfully completed the command of the team.