The battle of kings (11): Burying Thunder

The two players were shocked! Quickly reached out and grab it!

But the situation changed rapidly, and the two players who were inundated by countless mutant fish in an instant did not see it at all. The unhandled Xiang Chong was swallowed into his mouth by a triangle fish that had been prepared for a long time, and then the triangle fish changed its direction and left.

The two players who were hit by the mutated fish school and turned into a stunned circle had no time to answer other players' babbled questions. Fortunately, the countdown slowly returned to zero. Then, the host made a voice full of regret in the communication channel. Sounded:

"The performance of the warriors is really wonderful. Congratulations to the warriors for successfully passing the fourth level. The clearance bonus has increased by one million! Next, everyone can go back to the original glass room, rest for a while, and wait for the fifth level to begin."

From the beginning to the end of the fourth round, only three players were killed. It was far from the organizer's expectations. Without the reduction, there would be no wonderful images to retain the discerning audience. They were really scared.

Fortunately, Xia Ruize's amazing performance attracted the interest of a large number of audiences, otherwise the fourth level with such a low mortality rate would definitely make the audience unsatisfied.

As for the temporarily lost worms, it was not a big problem. Anyway, the worms couldn't escape in this enclosed area. The most important thing was that the mutant aquatic creatures gather near the worms, and it was easy to identify the worms. It was just a matter of catching it back after the game.

Even Xiang Chong's loss was originally planned by the organizer, and the organizer was looking forward to Xiang Chong's departure from the control of the players, and in turn would bring the mutant water creatures to encircle and kill the players.

Or the players had to chase the insects in order to avoid the ninja turtle attack. Alas, it was a pity, because of the existence of Xia Ruize, these wonderful scenes were not staged. It's a shame.

After hearing the host announce the end of the fourth level, Xia Ruize did not hesitate to turn on the propellers to swim towards the glass room. After all the contestants entered the range of the glass room, the glass on all sides and the roof were closed again, and then the liquid in the glass room was covered. After expelling, the players could finally take off their helmets and breathe.

Xia Ruize sat in the corner leaning on the glass wall behind and closed his eyes and rested. The other players cast fearful eyes but didn't dare to step forward and interrupt them at will. They even lowered the volume unconsciously for fear of disturbing Xia Ruize.

In fact, Xia Ruize was concentrating on his big plans.

Although the ninja turtle was small, the sharpness of its claws had not weakened. The result of constant attacks on the metal wall was that the metal wall was finally penetrated!

Below the metal opening was one of the underground waterways that connect the entire base.

The weird thing was that there was a green vine full of thorns in the underground waterway that should have been empty?!

Even more bizarre was that the mutant water biota had gradually moved to the vicinity of this underground cave. The silt covered above the underground cave was washed into the sewer pipe by the water. Seeing the mouth of a triangle fish, a cute little worm about the size of a human palm fell into the underground waterway.

Then, a green vine from below stretched out, helping the triangle fish to plug the hole.

Because Xiang Chong's pheromone stayed here last, large groups of mutant aquatic creatures continued to circle around here. Without leaving, the organizers did not find that a hole was opened at the bottom of their closed lake!

Xiang Chong who entered the underground waterway obediently stopped secreting pheromone temporarily, and with a wave of his little wings, he flew in the pipe.

The palm-sized ninja turtle was just below, with four claws quickly alternately flapping, and following the guidance of the green vines, it quickly advanced in the direction outside the base.

Even if it encountered a vertical pipe, the claws of the ninja turtle could directly grab into the metal wall with a light grasp, and could climb up quickly alternately.

Xiang Chong, who was flying with the ninja turtle, had big doubts in his little head. Didn't this seemingly familiar ninja turtle always avoid it? Why was it leaving with him now?

Of course, Xiang Chong didn't know that this ninja turtle was not a real creature in the strict sense, but a systematic creation. Its shortcomings had been weakened. In addition, Xiang Chong did not secrete the pheromones that the tortoise hated, under the command of the owner, it tried hard to endure it.

After all, it was a ninja turtle, endurance was very strong.

This palm-sized tortoise was shouldering the arduous task Xia Ruize gave it, and he consciously could endure everything.

Ninja Turtle's mission was to send Xiang Chong out of this base where the Battle of Kings was held, following the path that the killer Vine had explored. In some areas, the killer vine couldn´t enter, but the sharp claws of the ninja turtle could make holes in the wall. Even if the entire base was finally drilled through a hole, it would complete the task firmly.

Moreover, Xia Ruize was worried that the worm could not be controlled from a long distance, and before sending the worm, he kept giving hints to it that when the tortoise left, it could secrete pheromone wildly.

Therefore, ninja turtle also shoulders the task of turning on the switch of the big killer with the turtle after sending the worm out.

After several hours of continuous growth and lengthening, the killer vines had overgrown most of the sewers, and the topography of most areas of the base for the Battle of Kings had been figured out.

In fact, the battlefield of the Battle of Kings was placed on an overseas island. The entire island was continuously transformed by the organizers. Various levels were set up to form a huge and terrifying death base.

This small island was isolated from the world, enclosed and independent, and the internal facilities were very advanced, but no matter how advanced and closed the place is, the underground waterway would always be connected to the sea.

As early as seeing the "Analysis of Rogge's Mutant Creatures" and knowing the existence of such mutant creatures, Xia Ruize hoped to take advantage of the characteristics of the upward worms. He did not expect that he was really lucky to meet the worms, it was really God's help for him.

When the tortoise sent the worm out of the base, the tortoise would hide again, and the worm would secrete a large amount of pheromone under the instinctive drive of the tortoise.

The worm that was released to nature would truly show its power to be classified as a horror-level mutant creature. If he wanted to attract the human government, they should be able to find anomalies and find this anomalous island, right?

He really looked forward to seeing the expressions of the organizers behind the game after they realize that the situation was not right. Didn't they like to use various mutant creatures to force the players? Then let them also taste the feeling of being surrounded by mutant creatures.

Xia Ruize's secretly rubbing plan was proceeding smoothly, which made him feel good. At this time, he really wanted someone to share his joy together, but unfortunately the teammate who suit him the most was not there.

The organizer gave the contestants a 20-minute break, and then opened an entrance to the cave on the floor behind the glass house. There was a big box at the entrance of the cave.

"Congratulations to all the warriors, the fifth level "Hunting the Hamster" will be the last level before the final. In order to help you explore the cave, we have prepared a head-mounted searchlight of suitable size for you.

As long as you pass this level successfully, the final level will not stop you at all, and you can become the final king! We have prepared a grand award ceremony for you, and I am waiting for you on the award platform! "

The host finally stopped laughing, and the rare high-pitched and passionate voice stimulated many tired players again. After all the hardships, they were finally close to the final victory!

Tens of millions of prizes were close at hand, glory and wealth were just ahead, and some players were breathing heavily with excitement.

Fortunately, there were players who stayed sane. Hearing the host reminded that the terrain of the next level was a cave, some players suggested that they wanted to exchange the streamlined armor suitable for underwater combat back to the protective armor suitable for land combat.

However, this time the host did not reply again, only the opening of the cave entrance and the opening of the box revealing a box of searchlights, which seemed to urge the players to act.

The foot of the streamlined armor was equipped with flippers. Although it could be stowed away, it was not so suitable for walking on land. The host did not respond to their requirements for protective armor. In addition, the large box corresponds to each player's name. His searchlight was a head-mounted, not a helmet, so some players struggled to take off the streamlined armor and enter the fifth level to fight the mole.

Xia Ruize was moved when he heard that the terrain in level 5 was a karst cave. Watching the organizer keep suggesting that they take off the streamline armor, and even some players have begun to take off the armor, Xia Ruize's guess was further confirmed, so Xia Ruize spoke out to stop them:

"It's better to wear it. The streamlined armor has a protective shield. It can guarantee safety to some extent. There may be ghost bats in the next level."

As soon as he said this, the air was silent for an instant.

The shocked and bewildered faces all looked at Xia Ruize, and someone stammered inquiring:

"There are ghost bats? Xia God, how did you know?"

"At the end of the first level, didn't they give us a manual introducing mutant creatures? I noticed that there was an introduction to ghost bats that like to live in caves. In the last level, there were worms. The latter level should be more difficult. The possibility of ghost bats is not small."

Xia Ruize was more puzzled than other players in his heart, what happened to these indigenous people, were they not vigilant? Obviously knowing that the final level should be more difficult, why didn´t they suspect the famous ghost bat, who was known to non-indigenous people like him, and still rushed to take off their armor and sent themselves to death without thinking about it?

Xia Ruize really wronged the native contestants. He only knew dozens of mutant creatures mentioned in "Analysis of Rogge's Mutant Creatures". Among them, there were only two different creatures living in the cave environment. Most indigenous people knew hundreds of mutant creatures. When it came to karst caves and underground, dozens of them could be thought of. The ghost bat was not immediately thought of.

Not to mention that ghost bats, like Xiang Chong, were known to most human beings only by their name, and it was difficult to see the horror-level mutant creatures.

The horror of the ghost bat lied in its own strength. The most terrifying aspect of the ghost bat was that it could use the principle of acoustic-optics to achieve invisibility. In addition, the ghost bat had an extremely fast attack speed. What was more terrifying was the sharp claws, more terrifying than the ninja turtles.

If human beings face the ninja turtle and it was difficult to break through the shell of the ninja turtle, then when human beings face the ghost bat, they didn't even know where to attack.

Those players who had already taken off half of their armor immediately shuddered when they thought that they might encounter the ghost bat without the protection of the armor shield, and they couldn't think of a second result except for the immediate flutter.

Before Xia Ruize mentioned it, other players did not consider the ghost bat, but Xia Ruize reminded that, coupled with the fact that the legendary worm had actually appeared, the players immediately agreed that the ghost bat might appear in the next level.

Alas, they were also misled by the host's previous words. The final level would definitely not stop them, making them subconsciously think that the difficulty of fighting the mole in the fifth level should not be great, it was really a pit.

The awakened players once again wore streamlined armor and wrapped themselves tightly. The scene made the audience sigh with disappointment. When most of these players were killed and injured, they realized that the ghost bat attacked them, the situation would be more interesting than it was now.

However, there were also players who pay attention to different points. "Why do you have an introduction booklet?" The former South Theater No. 8 player asked Xia Ruize questioningly, why didn't he see any introduction booklet at all?

Xia Ruize glanced at the head-mounted searchlight with his name written in his hand, and then looked deeply at the No. 8 contestant of the South Theater who was questioning. Without concealing it, he went straight back to:

"It was the reward for the top three to pass the first level."

Hearing Xia Ruize's answer was even more heartbroken than he hadn't heard, and deeply regretted that there were hidden benefits in the first level. If they also got it, wouldn't it go much smoother in the future?

Other players thought that Xia God was indeed Xia God, so sturdy from the beginning.

As for Xia Ruize, he glanced at the player No. 8 of the South Theater for the last time, and then withdrew his gaze.

From the late stage of the third level, Xia Ruize secretly paid more attention to other players, especially the transition period of the third and fourth levels. After a long period of observation, Xia Ruize targeted the No. 8 player of the South Theater.

The South Theater No. 8 player was very unfamiliar with the wearing of streamline armor. He wore it completely with the player next to him. If he was an indigenous player, such performance did not match his toughness.

Because most of the powerful indigenous players have a background of military brigades or hired soldiers, it was impossible to be unfamiliar with the most common use of water armor.

More importantly, when the player saw Xiang Chong, he was obviously at a loss for a while before adjusting his performance based on the expressions of other players, but he never made a suggestion after that.

Therefore, Xia Ruize suspected that he was also a trialer of Endless World.

Thinking of the third level of the trial who was suspected to be killed by the black hand behind the scenes, Xia Ruize had doubts about the searchlights that were assigned to him and the South Theater No. 8 player with their names written on them.

If the organizer wanted to play black hands behind the back, this kind of items that accurately corresponded to each player was the best operation. Xia Ruize couldn't help but be vigilant and didn't immediately put the searchlight on his head.

After the searchlights were divided, a group of players entered the hole one by one.

The cave was dark and damp. The most important thing was that the road was very difficult to walk. Except for the first few steps at the entrance of the cave, it was full of primitive strange, steep and rugged rocks, which made people do not know how to step down.

Fortunately, after the initial narrow and cramped hole, the inside of the cave gradually became wider, and the players spread out, looking for a suitable foothold with the searchlight above their heads.

After the last players entered the cave, the entrance to the cave suddenly closed, and the players were completely locked in the cave and could only move forward.

Xia Ruize's abilities were turned on, and the surrounding environment was presented in his mind in three dimensions. What made him feel his scalp numb was that on the top of the cave and outside the lighting range of the players on the surrounding stone walls, a dense number of mutant bats appeared.

The density of their numbers made Xia Ruize feel psychologically uncomfortable.

A player accidentally failed to step on and fell into a crack in the rock below, and the dangling lights accidentally hit the mutant bat on the rock wall above. Therefore, all the players knew the fact that they were surrounded by mutant creatures.

The players involuntarily moved closer to one place, and walked forward cautiously, guarding against possible attacks at any time. For some unknown reason, these mutant bats did not attack the players for the time being, but moved to follow them, just like monitoring.

The terrain in the cave was too unfriendly to humans. It was extremely difficult to advance, and you would fall if you are not careful. Fortunately, the players who did not have to face the attack had enough energy to deal with the terrain.

But at this moment, Xia Ruize suddenly stood surprised:

"Are we missing people?"

The South Theater No. 8 player was originally behind Xia Ruize, but his progress slowed down and gradually left Xia Ruize's perception. After a while, Xia Ruize felt strange and slowed down and tried to wait for the South Theater No. 8 player to catch up, but he didn't see the player who was suspected of being a trialer.

As soon as Xia Ruize said, there seemed to be a cold wind blowing from his back. The players felt that their hearts were cold. The awake players used the counting method to confirm the number. As a result, the last person who reported the number turned out to be "18"!

But before the start of the fifth level, they obviously had 21 players!

Silently, 3 people disappeared?!

In fact, it was not silent. From time to time, there were players who dropped and cry out. Therefore, the strange sounds mixed in it were ignored. At this time, Xia Ruize broke through, and all the players discovered that they even missed people, and they didn´t know at all!

"Open the shield…"

Semcil suggested with a headache, they were still careless, thinking that the mutant creature was really immobilized and did not attack. In fact, the other party might have done it a long time ago.

There were too many mutant bats around, and they didn't know which attacked it. The players didn't dare to counterattack rashly. They were afraid that the mutant creatures in the cave would be alarmed. By then, they would really be overwhelmed by the mutant creatures.

Opening the shield was now the best way to strengthen protection and speed up the journey.

This suggestion made many players face embarrassed. The last level had consumed a lot of energy due to long-time driving of shields and thrusters, and they didn´t known how long they would spend in the cave and whether the energy box could support it.

So, someone suggested: "Should we go back and find those three people? Maybe they still have a lot of energy boxes left…"

This proposal was immediately opposed by players who had enough energy boxes for the time being: "Go back and look for them by yourself. You can also hold the energy boxes you found. I don't want to go back again." After speaking, he turned and continued to move forward.

Victory was just ahead. No one wanted to make extravagances. Most players chose to continue to move forward. The difference was that this time, everyone had a protective shield on the outside of their armor.

The two players who were most worried about their energy boxes discussed and decided to go back to find them together, trying to collect the energy boxes of the players who had been eliminated.

After opening the protective shield, the most prominent problem was that it was more difficult to move forward. When they needed to pass through the cracks of the stone, they only needed to consider whether they could squeeze through, and now they had to consider whether the protective shield could squeeze through, which was really annoying.

In comparison, Xia Ruize's state was not bad, because his body and legs had been practiced for a long time, and he was proficient in control. With the auxiliary function of the main god, the plum blossom pile could be easily stepped on, so the terrain of the karst cave was right. His impact was not very big.

However, Xia Ruize's ability to backtrack was very significant. Let alone the dense and disgusting mutant bats, it didn't take long to find that a player was eliminated, which was enough to be heartbroken.

After five minutes of walking, Xia Ruize's voice sounded again:

"We seem to have fewer people…"

Xia Ruize's voice was full of helplessness, because he didn't know what was going on. It was understandable to be attacked without the protective shields. Now that the protective shields were all on, how could there be a silent loss of personnel?

There was another round of counting, this time, one more player was missing. And the two previous players who returned to find the energy box also disappeared in the communication channel.

The other players finally realized that the situation was not good, so after discussion, everyone decided to gather as much as possible, and to take care of each other whatever the situation was. In addition, from the 1st to the 15th, they kept reporting the numbers in real-time to grasp of the number of people.

This time, Xia Ruize deliberately walked in the middle of the players. He could perceive seven or eight players within ten meters of front, back, left, and right, and observe as many players as possible. Xia Ruize wanted to see what was attacking them.

Three minutes later, when a player on the right front of Xia Ruize tried to pass through a narrow stone gap, the protective shield was really unable to squeeze through. It won't be a problem to reopen immediately after the past.

But in this short instant, a bat the size of a palm suddenly rushed to the neck of the player, and with one blow, the player wearing the protective armor was scratched from the protective armor to the neck, and it would kill with one blow.

The mutated bat's attack speed was so fast that the attack was all over without even reminding him being able to say anything.

Xia Ruize's movements stopped, and the players behind him stopped inexplicably, and then followed Xia Ruize's gaze to see the players who were stuck in the cracks of the stone and were already motionless.

At this moment, everyone knows why the staff will be attenuated after the protective shield was turned on, because some people temporarily shut it down with a fluke.

"It won't work if we continue like this. If we don't find a solution. We will continue to walk until there are no people left."

Semcil said distressed. At this level, they hadn't seen the danger head-on at all, and they had already reduced their staff by 7 people, which was too much and too fast.

"Turning on the protective shield is the best way. They all said don't turn it off, don't turn it off. Who is to blame for turning it off by themselves? Split his energy box, and we just have to continue walking."

Cloris did not agree. In his opinion, he knew that there was danger in the cave, and if he dared to turn off the protective shield, he was looking for death on his own, and could not blame others.

In comparison, there were more players who agree with Cloris. This case just reminds everyone that the protective shield must not be turned off!

The next more contradictory point was how to deal with the energy box of the eliminated player. In theory, everyone should have a share, but he only had four energy boxes. A player couldn't even get a third of it. The energy box was impossible to really break into three parts.

"It's all about this time. Why don't we report the number of energy boxes we have, and then give these to people with fewer energy boxes?"

Semcil suggested, but his opinion was denied again.

Many players believe that if there were no obstacles in the finals, this one was a level to screen the winners. Who knew if you continue to go, there would be conflicts between the players? It was better to keep some hole cards.

As a result, these four energy boxes were temporarily stored at Semcil, and the dispute was put aside for the time being. After more energy boxes were collected, it might be enough to divide them evenly.

With the profound lessons witnessed this time, the players moved more slowly, because the places where the protective shield could not pass would need to change paths or attack rocks to expand the path.

This time, no player left behind for a long time. The continuous sounding of the number in the communication system made the players feel at ease. This shows that the problem of the players who were eliminated before was due to the lack of protection shields, as long as the protection was turned on, safety could still be guaranteed.

The only question was, how long was the cave? How long would it take to walk?

The claustrophobic and quiet environment could easily make people feel depressed and irritable. There were also two major pressures of energy loss and life threats on their heads, and many players' emotions gradually became irritable.

Xia Ruize realized that it was impossible to continue like this, so he moved away from the center position calmly, and gradually landed on the edge of the team's side.

When the previous players didn't pay attention, Xia Ruize turned off his protective shield, and his hand looked like he took a bit from the armor storage space, and the rainstorm pear flower needle obtained by the novice world appeared in his hand.

This was a black box with the size of a palm and square. It looked very inconspicuous. The white middle-grade rainstorm pear flower needle could only be used twice a day, but each time it could shoot three hundred and sixty poisonous needles instantly. The rainstorm pear flower needle could be called the king among hidden weapons.

According to Xia Ruize's observation, the mutant bat of the sneak attacker was not big but very fast, and had a very strong attack power. If you fight in a small area, the laser and air beam guns move too much, and there was no time to fire a second shot.

On the contrary, it was the rainstorm pear flower needle, which could be called a hidden weapon in a small area.

Relying on the mutant creatures of Rogge Star, it was impossible to recognize the weapon of the rainstorm pear flower needle. Xia Ruize simply used his mind to control the small box and put it on his shoulder. Then he was ready to touch it with his mind, anyway, his brain would react faster than his hands.

After making all the preparations, Xia Ruize continued to move forward as usual, but in fact he allocated more than half of his energy to wait for the attackers to come to him.

More than ten seconds later, as expected by Xia Ruize, a small wing the size of a palm suddenly broke into the range of the space backtrack. Almost at the same time he realized that he was "seeing" the enemy, Xia Ruize's hand of thought had already pressed the switch of the rainstorm pear flower needle.

Along with the poisonous needles flying out of the sky, Xia Ruize's ability to charm creatures.

Both kindness and power, he still had to try to recruit this terrifying little guy.

Although the density of the rainstorm pear flower needle was high, the attack intensity was also high when it hits at close range, but the hardness of a single needle of the rainstorm pear flower needle could not pose a lethal threat to the little guy who sneaks.

However, the unexpected attack and the toxins brought by the poisonous needle pierced into the body still deformed the attacker's movements. The sudden mental attack also interfered with the attacker's plan. Under this series of blows, the attacker´s tempo of fighting was chaotic.

After hovering in midair for a moment, he fell straight down. However, the assailant was restrained without falling tens of centimeters.

On the surface, it was Xia Ruize who turned around and reached out and pinched a pair of wings of the sneak attacker. In fact, Xia Ruize first pinched it with the hand of thoughts, and then transferred it to his own hand.

Holding the little guy's wings and suppressing the little guy's resistance, Xia Ruize brought the sneak attacker to his eyes, and then was surprised to find that he couldn't see anything in front of his eyes, but his mental power and the touch of his hand changed again, telling his brain clearly that there was indeed a mutant bat in his hand.

In this way, Xia Ruize could basically be sure what the sneak attacker in his hand was, it was the ghost bat that could stop children from crying!

Sure enough, it was a terrifying creature with its own invisibility talent, this little guy was really not an ordinary strong.

The ghost bat caught moved its wings frantically, wanting to grab and bite the hateful human, but it was controlled by others, and the resistance gradually weakened. After three consecutive times, Xia Ruize's charm skill was finally successfully performed. The ghost bat was completely quiet and no longer had the urge to attack Xia Ruize.

Xia Ruize vaguely learned from the connection perception of the ghost bat's brain that these players have a smell that ghost bats hate, and the source of the smell was the searchlight on the players' heads.

The masters of this cave were the three ghost bats that live here. Before the ghost bats gave up attacking human players, other mutant creatures such as bats would only look at them and would not attack the players.

Knowing that there were three ghost bats in this cave, Xia Ruize was simply pleasantly surprised. After killing the ghost bats, he may be able to gain treasure chests. Compared with the vague control of skills, Xia Ruize preferred to obtain mutant creatures produced by the Lord God.

After some calculations, Xia Ruize finally helped the newly conquered ghost bat to remove the poison needle from his body, took out a special antidote to feed it a bit, then let go of the ghost bat and let it continue to move freely.

This ghost bat couldn´t be killed for the time being, if he didn´t get later a treasure chest, this one would be very useful.

Xia Ruize fiddled around behind the team for a long time without forgetting to report the number. Therefore, the other players who were busy advancing did not notice his abnormality at all. On the contrary, the show organizer and the audience looked confused.

Due to the particularity of the fifth level, the camera used to shoot the contestants became infrared cameras, the imaging was not so clear, and the contestants' movements could only be seen roughly. As for the mutant creatures, they were imaged by thermal imaging, and the ghost bats in it. It was just a ball, because the speed was too fast, it would even show a long state.

As a result, it seemed to the backstage staff and the audience that the Xia Ruize player turned off the protective shield inexplicably when he was moving forward normally, and a ghost bat really stared at him.

Strangely, when the ghost bat was some distance behind Xia Ruize, it stopped inexplicably, and even seemed to be injured and dropped.

What was even more bizarre was that Xia Ruize turned around and caught the ghost bat? The ghost bat did not continue to attack but stayed quietly in the hands of Xia Ruize? Finally left safely?

What kind of mess was this?

The director looked at this series of abnormalities, his expression gradually solidified, getting more and more gloomy, and in the end, completely black.

The director was not unfamiliar with this inexplicable and strange scene, at least in this episode of War of Kings, he had witnessed it with his own eyes many times.

In the first level, there were scenes of firearms, daggers and even belts burning with weird flames in the hands of the contestants. This was witnessed by the director, the backstage staff, and even the audience. So, the three dared to challenge the authority of the organizer. Players who violated the fairness rules were all eliminated by the director in the third level.

In addition, only the staff knew that when the director was in the third level, he was actually preparing to solve the four contestants together, and the other unsolved person was the No. 8 contestant of the South Theater.

This player showed little abnormality in the first level. What really exposed him was the second level. When this player was attacked by a mutant creature, his body changed strangely, and he could stretch, soften, and bend at will?

What's more, at an emergency juncture when the mutant creature was about to be killed, an inexplicable light appeared on the player, which helped him block the fatal attack of the mutant creature.

Later, after drinking an unknown liquid, the badly injured player No. 8 of the South Theater quickly returned to normal. The director, staff and even the audience realized that this was also a rule-breaking guy.

The director returned to observe the player's performance in the first level in detail, and then found out what was wrong.

When the player first lifted the belt, he was lying in the middle of the bed, with his arms fumbling under the bed at the same time, and then he fumbled for the scissors, which seemed normal before.

But if you look closely now, you will find that according to the length of the player's arm, he should not be able to reach the scissors when he was lying in the center.

The director suddenly became furious and realized that this guy was showing his feet in the first pass, but they didn't notice it, and he almost fooled him over.

So, in the third level of Monopoly, the director also set a trap for the South Theater No. 8 player, but the trap set for him in a hurry was not arranged, he avoided it, and was then taken by Xia Ruize, flying through the fourth level until the fifth

When it was closed, it was finally resolved by the director.

As for the solution, it was also very simple, which was to put on the searchlight for the No. 8 contestant of the South Theater, little more disgusting taste for the ghost bats.

Sure enough, this player was treated as a priority target by the ghost bat and was eliminated smoothly.

At that time, the director was finally in a good mood, thinking that he had solved all the worms, and everything about the show was still under his control.

But now Xia Ruize's performance had completely slapped the director in the face. How happy the director was before; how angry he was now!

He didn't expect that Xia Ruize, who seemed to be well-behaved and not unusual, turned out to be a deeply hidden rule-breaker!