Good bye

The Federation army troops finally arrived on the island, they easily confiscated the materials that had never been destroyed, and found four players hiding in the underground cave. This hidden place in the remote island lasted for nearly ten years. The dark game that buried countless dead souls finally came to an end.

Seeing the information about the "Battle of Kings" game being exposed, the people were indignant!

It had only been so many years since human beings got rid of the threat of mutant creatures, and there were people who were enjoying a peaceful life. However, they were engaged in such a dangerous project that was explicitly prohibited, and even created a Xiang Chong?!

These damn dangerous elements were now engaged in research on insects, ghost bats, and mutant mammoths. Was the next step to study how to destroy humans?

If it wasn't for the heroes in this game who single-handedly dismantled the dark forces and exposed the base of evil, the people would not know how many years they would be kept in the dark!

That's right, the video of Xia Ruize's participation in this episode of the Battle of the Kings had been completely released from start to finish. Xia Ruize's wonderful performance had conquered countless audiences.

The organizer's research on Xiang Zhong insects, ghost bats, and mammoths had become a sure thing, which highlights the heroic image of Xia Ruize.

The final stage of Xia Ruize's performance was distorted by the Lord god, what the people of Rogge star saw was that Xia Ruize generously died with the worm and ghost bat in order to prevent the Xiang Zhong from harming mankind. Such a tragic behavior killed him and completely pushed him to the altar, "Xia God" had become the idol of many teenagers.

Under the pressure of the public, the officials swiftly resolved the incident and announced the follow-up results one after another.

The dark forces behind the black game of the Battle of the Kings had all been uncovered, and the charges of "intentional homicide" and "crimes against humanity" were enough for them to spend the rest of their lives in prison.

As for the black game viewers whose lists were exposed, although they couldn´t be convicted of watching the show, those who were originally "high above the ground" lost their reputation for a while, and the subsequent negative effects continued.

Most of the audience's identities were successful businessmen. After being exposed as the audience of the battle of kings, the brand's market acceptance plummeted. For a while, many brands had to start crisis public relations and immediately replace the relevant responsible people.

There were also a small number of viewers who had official identities and had been filed for investigation for corruption. Otherwise, where would they get the money to participate in the big gambling?

In addition, the federal government received a number of reports from the public, and based on this, it organized a number of concentrated actions, and hit three smaller underground black competitions one after another, and finally regained some credibility.

Xia Ruize, who had returned to his room in the Endless World, happily put down his weapons and checked the newly received quest prompt:

[Hidden Extended Mission: Destroy the "Battle of Kings" program

Mission Status: Completed

Completion rating: perfect

Mission rewards:

Three thousand survival points are awarded.

Reward all attributes +5

Rewards laser gun (unlimited energy version) (yellow low-grade), protective armor (solar automatic recovery energy version) (yellow low-grade), biological affinity (white high-grade passive skill)]

This reminder was really a pleasant surprise. The Lord God did not expressly indicate that the trialers had the mission of destroying the base, but if they do, they could get rich rewards. The reward items were still second, and the reward of all attributes +5 was really exciting, which was worth 20,000 survival points.

In addition, the laser gun and protective armor did not need to worry about energy consumption, which was very practical. No matter how many energy boxes Xia Ruize finally got from the equipment store, he would always run out.

The biological affinity skills of the white top grade were more suitable for Xia Ruize, which could be well used with the skills of Xia Ruize's dazzling elf bloodline, and it was also very practical. Looking at the introduction, passive skills meant that Xia Ruize couldn´t actively use them. In the future, he may have an aura that increases the favor of natural creatures?

He took a look at the 500 survival points obtained from the main quest, and compared it with the 6,110 survival points obtained by the extended mission, not to mention that the perfect evaluation of the main mission only gave 1 free attribute point, while with the perfect evaluation of the extended mission he was given a super gift package with all attributes +8, making Xia Ruize deeply realize that the main mission could only make the trialers grow normally, and the extended missions could make the trialers grow rapidly.

The second mission world was over, and Xia Ruize's personal attributes had become:

[Name: Xia Ruize

Gender: Male

Age: 25

Strength: 29.6

Agility: 26

Spirit: 24

Constitution: 27.3

Life: 273]

Although Xia Ruize had not exchanged personal attribute data with too many trialers, he had seen the performance of other trialers in the second mission world. He was still confident, and his advantage in data was still great, not to mention that he was also ready to continue to expand this advantage.

However, after a long period of high-intensity energy consumption, he now urgently needed a rest, so he left the Endless World.

When he opened his eyes again, Xia Ruize's body continued to slide. He remembered that he was sliding on the Internet celebrity slide before entering the mission. When the slide passage finally came to an end, Xia Ruize fell into a sea of ​​bubble balls. He got a bubble ball, but it was squashed directly because of improper force.

Seeing the expression on Xia Ruize's face getting embarrassed, the colleagues laughed heartily.

Xia Ruize also laughed. After the dinner, the colleagues who had been with each other for many years dispersed. Xia Ruize took a taxi home, slept on the way, and arrived at the rented community. After being woken up by the driver, Xia Ruize dragged his tired body back. When he got home, He rinsed himself and fell back to bed with his head covered.

Ah, the thought of not having to get up early for work the next day was cool!

So, Xia Ruize slept in the dark, got up the next night and ordered a takeaway, filled his stomach casually, and went back to sleep in the dark.

It wasn't until noon on the third day that Xia Ruize finally woke up. He stood up and opened the curtains and stretched a lot. Hearing crackling sounds from the bones all over his body, Xia Ruize picked up the grip on the table and relaxed. Holding it to the limit, he immediately realized that his body in the real world had also strengthened again.

It was also a good thing, when packing his bags, it was a lot easier to move up and down.

Xia Ruize, who woke up after two days in a coma, only felt that he had boundless energy. He completely cleaned up the rental house that he had lived in for more than a year in one afternoon. Next, he planned to stay in the magic capital for a week, and it was not easy to take away what he had bought over the years. The small furniture should be given away, thrown away, and after the landlord came to inspect the house and hand over the house, he could go home!

Thinking of this, Xia Ruize felt relaxed and happy.

To be honest, it was really cool to not have to go to work every day. He didn't have to think about never-ending work tasks and endless communication with all parties. Phone calls and WeChat messages would no longer ring all the time. Time was completely his own, Xia Ruize had completely escaped from the complicated adult world, and he felt an unprecedented ease.

Moreover, he also took advantage of his strong adaptability, and gradually became accustomed to challenging different mission worlds. He felt the joy of challenges, and there was still hope for the next life.

Xia Ruize, who was in a good mood and optimistic attitude, returned to the Endless World that night, ready to calculate the harvest of the second mission world.

Before the second mission world, Xia Ruize had spent all his survival points, but at that time he still had a few items from the novice world that he had not sold. Now the items sold on the black market had gained 1370 survival points, plus the 6,600 survival points obtained in the two mission worlds, Xia Ruize once again had nearly 8,000 survival points.

However, after the crazy accumulation of money in the novice world, he now felt that eight thousand survival points were not too much, and he had to spent it carefully.

Xia Ruize bought another bloodline, [Superman Xiaoqiang1]. This bloodline was expensive and required 6000 survival points, but the potential rating was only silver, because it did not have a higher bloodline to upgrade.

This bloodline would be used by Xia Ruize to save his life. The bloodline had a talent and a skill. The talent was [Undead Superman]. Even if he was fatally injured, as long as there was any part of his body left, he could gradually resurrect. Of course, the number of times was limited.

Even so, this talent was very powerful. Xia Ruize took his life and bought it entirely because of this ability.

The skill was [Substitute Xiaoqiang], you could use Xiaoqiang to make an avatar to help specific objects take damage. It was also a good ability, and if used well, it could have unexpected effects.

In other words, this bloodline completely gave up attacking and only focused on life-saving. The talent was powerful and the limitations were also very obvious. Only a trialer like Xia Ruize who already had an attack bloodline and a large number of survival points would consider it as life-saving.

With the purchase of this bloodline, coupled with Xia Ruize's existing [The spring of a withered tree] exercise, he had a strong confidence in recovery and life-saving.

After buying one ability, he only had 2,000 survival point left. Xia Ruize touched his nose helplessly. See, the survival points were really not enough. He didn't mess around with the remaining survival points, but bought the practice auxiliary function.

His attribute points rose sharply again, and he was once again faced with the embarrassment of not being able to master his physical state. There was no other way than to accumulate a lot of time to practice.

If the next mission world failed because he didn't master his abilities, he would probably laugh at himself to death.

The process of practicing was always boring, with a lot of sweat pouring out and seeing little, very slow feedback.

Fortunately, there was still a litter of pets to accompany him. Two ghost bats that were always energetic and a stupid Xiang insect were always flying around Xia Ruize, which made his practice process much more fun.

Xia Ruize specially bought some pet food produced by the Lord God for the three little guys, and they were warmly welcomed and loved by the three pets. For this reason, they could bear to stay on the side for a long-time watching Xia Ruize's long practice without disturbing him.

The mutant creatures released by the system were easier to control, but they were not real natural creatures. They had no soul and thoughts, and were sealed in amber every day.

Real living natural creatures had their own characteristics. For example, the first ghost bat to be subdued, called "Xiao Hei2", liked to act coquettishly with Xia Ruize very much.

The second subdued ghost bat, called "Da Hei3", liked to hang on Xia Ruize and pretend that he was just an emotionless decoration.

As for the worm who had always been stupid and simply called "dumb", he liked furry things very much. Its own nest in the spiritual pet space was completely filled with soft feathers. Throwing himself into the fur, he would drool comfortably.

Accompanied by the three little guys, Xia Ruize practiced intermittently for more than 100 hours. In the middle, except for returning to his room to rest, he stayed in the auxiliary function of practice space.

Finally, even with the last weapon sold to help restore blood, Xia Ruize's survival points were all used up.

He was not ready to sell the weapons he collected from the second world for the time being. After all, equipping the cavalry summoned by his cavalry token with it may have a greater effect than selling it directly.

So, Xia Ruize with an empty wallet could only touch the little heads of the little guys one by one, and then left the Endless World.

He didn't know if there were two worlds with a time rift. How long would the pets wait when he returns to Blue Star before the next mission world?

In the next week, Xia Ruize handled all his own procedures, dealt with the rental house, and then sent his luggage back. He carried a suitcase full of gifts for his relatives and sat on the train way home.

The scenery outside the car window kept receding, Xia Ruize was in a particularly good mood, and the smile on the corner of his mouth couldn't be suppressed. The magic capital was really good, but home was better.

The goal he set before was to fight for the rest of his life and bring his parents to the magic capital. Now he had changed it. He wanted to pack up and go home to join his parents! Just like gnawing at him, he also wanted to be a happy gnawing worm who gnaws at his parents.

When he thought of being able to sleep until waking up naturally every day in the future, he could eat my mother's crafts when waking up, he could play two games of chess with his father from time to time, and find a reason to be a freelancer to take care of private work. Xia Ruize wanted to drool a little.

Haha, he hadn't told his parents that he was going home, they would be very surprised to see him.

In this way, Xia Ruize gradually closed his eyes and fell asleep in his good wishes.

With the loud noises of "bang" and "clang", the surrounding environment had undergone earth-shaking changes.

Xia Ruize opened his eyes almost as soon as the seat flipped over, grabbed the armrest subconsciously, and hooked his feet to the railing under the seat to fix himself in place.

Then, Xia Ruize followed the carriage to turn around twice, and the feeling of being turned upside down finally stopped.

When the carriage stopped and turned over, it was in an upside-down state, and there was chaos in the sight, and the crowded passengers made high and low groans.

Xia Ruize let go of the railing with his feet hooked, flipped over, and became upright again.

Stepping on the luggage rack below, Xia Ruize looked out the window. Outside the car window was a scene of rising sun. Xia Ruize clenched his fist and felt a lot of power. A little surprise flashed in his eyes. Wasn't it a mission a month? Why did he enter the third mission so quickly?

Turning his head to look at the other people who were lying down, Xia Ruize realized that it was more important to escape first anyway, so he forcibly removed a luggage rack, pointed the tip at the window glass, and stabbed it hard and fast.

The situation was still unclear, Xia Ruize had not revealed his full strength, but with his current strength, even if he didn't use all his strength and stabs a few times, the window glass would shatter into pieces.

Kicking away the remaining glass slag on the edge of the window frame with his feet, Xia Ruize turned to help the nearest woman, pulled her up easily, and then helped her out of the car window.

In this way, one by one, Xia Ruize helped the passengers around him out of the window, and finally he stepped out.

After getting out of the overturned carriage, he found that the passengers in other areas had also successfully rescued themselves, and the people who had successfully escaped were gathering and hugging each other.

"Ah, what the hell is going on? How could the car roll over so well?"

"I just panicked. I seem to be taking the subway. Why did I get out of the train?"

"The mobile phone has no signal at all, and the ambulance can't be called, how can I do it?"

Xia Ruize's eyes swept across, and found that a large number of passengers gathered around had a common feature, that is, they wore the same watch as he used to on his left wrist.

This meant that these people may all be rookie players who were pulled in by the Endless World. Remembering that Xiao Jinlong once said that some rookie missions would meet with old trialers. It seemed that he was now the experienced player with new players.

"Hey, brother." A big man with a big shoulder and a round waist, with a tattoo of a green dragon in his left arm and a white tiger in his right arm, walked to Xia Ruize from the side. He first greeted Xia Ruize loudly, then walked in and asked in a low voice, "How many missions have you passed? Do you want to cooperate? "

A hint of surprise flashed in Xia Ruize's eyes. Sure enough, he saw that there was no standard watch on the other's wrist, and he could ask such a question. It seemed that he was an experienced trialer. Xia Ruize was going to chat with the big man to see other trialer had any information, but he heard a familiar voice from behind him:

"He already has a teammate."

Hearing the sound, Xia Ruize turned his head almost instantly. Sure enough, he saw a tall man in casual sportswear walking behind him, putting his hand directly on his shoulder, and replying to the tattooed man, but his face was full of signs. He smiled and looked at Xia Ruize.

Almost as soon as he saw the other party, Xia Ruize remembered everything about the other party. Before he realized it, a happy smile appeared on his face, and he said hello in a relaxed tone: "Long time no see!"

Saying that, the two tacitly extended their fists and bumped into each other, smiling at each other.

Seeing that the two of them clearly knew each other, the tattooed man touched his forehead and smiled cheerfully: "Okay, if you still want to find someone to work with, find me." After that, he turned around and continued to look for other trialers.

After getting the punch, Cheng Huaiqian still couldn't hold back, he opened his hand and took a step forward to hug Xia Ruize, patted Xia Ruize's back vigorously, and said with a hint of resentment, "You look very good."

Xia Ruize hugged his former teammate and patted it, then took a step back and looked at the other's face. Even though he was a little stronger, he could still see the dark circles under Cheng Huaiqian's eyes, which made his teammate look more handsome and sharp. Feeling haggard, Xia Ruize couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth and asked suspiciously:

"You didn't find any suitable way to solve it?"

Xia Ruize knew that Cheng Huaiqian always had insomnia before, but he wanted to come, there were so many magical items in the main god space, there was always one that could solve insomnia, right?

"Hehe, don't mention it, since the data has improved, I have been able to stay awake for three days in a row."

Cheng Huaiqian tugged at the corner of his mouth and laughed at himself. In the Endless World, his physical attributes had been greatly improved, and in the real world, he was physically strong and energetic.

He used to be able to sleep for two or three hours a day, but now he could stay up all night without affecting his work, but the problem was, sleep was human instinct, he wanted to sleep!

The more distressed Cheng Huaiqian was, the more he missed his teammate in the novice world. He desperately recalled the personal information that Xia Ruize had inadvertently revealed in his words. Some of the information was not revealed by Xia Ruize's conscious self-introduction, but was revealed unintentionally in the usual conversations. This kind of information would not be blurred by the Lord God.

It really allowed Cheng Huaiqian to analyze an important piece of information. His former teammate worked in game-related aspects in the magic capital.

To this end, Cheng Huaiqian also specially went to his group's game company to inspect the work. First, to better understand the design concept of the game and use it to inspire his thinking about the Endless World.

The other was to try to find out if he could find the news of his teammate by chance. Of course, the result was negative. It was as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack to find someone in the vast crowd, or someone who couldn't remember what he looked like.

During the second mission to the world, Cheng Huaiqian also encountered other trialers. According to the mission prompt, there was a possibility of cooperation between them.

As a result, those people were unwilling to cooperate with each other. Cheng Huaiqian was furious, and completely stayed away from other trialers as a stand-alone mission.

With those rubbish for comparison, Cheng Huaiqian simply missed his teammate in the novice world, and he could think about it several times every day.

This kind of nostalgia ended in the second mission world, Cheng Huaiqian's strength was further strengthened, and the real world reached its peak after not falling asleep for three consecutive days.

Fortunately, the Lord God still took care of him, and actually let him meet Xia Ruize again in the third world.

Naturally, Cheng Huaiqian didn't say anything about the ups and downs in the middle. He just said in a serious tone that he was very happy to see Xia Ruize again.

Then the communication between the two was temporarily interrupted. There was no other way. There were other trialers in this mission. There were six experienced trialers in total. The other four had gathered together and were waiting for Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian to join and discuss together.

"You two, stop talking, let's exchange information, I'll come first, as far as I know, this kind of task with newbies is a good opportunity, usually missions are simple and rewarding, but most of this kind of mission has the requirements of leading new people, and sometimes it is more troublesome."

The person in charge of greeting Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian was a chubby man, who led the two to a sheltered position to meet the other three and communicate.

In addition to the six of them, there were dozens of passengers who were at a loss at the scene. The same was that those passengers wore endless watches on their wrists.

While the newcomers with watches were still clamoring to discuss what was going on, the six official trialers realized that they had now entered the mission world and needed to concentrate on dealing with the mission.