Bloody battle in the wild (5): Eavesdropping

"Should we go in and see?"

Xia Ruize was eager to try it out, [Illusion of the heart] was indeed a skill of the yellow middle grade, it was very practical, and it was completely suitable for use in the current situation, following those men in black into the city lord's mansion or something, thinking about it made him a little excited.

"Okay, you can try." Cheng Huaiqian thought about it and still supported it, but just mentioned the situation he had observed: "The moment the three people entered the city lord's mansion, I felt an unknown energy fluctuation around the city lord's mansion. I doubt it is a special protection method, I don't know the solution for the time being, try it, maybe you can go in."

Xia Ruize turned on the spatial backtrack to feel carefully, he couldn't detect anything, but he trusted Cheng Huaiqian, so he was more cautious.

Illusions could deceive the senses of intelligent creatures to a certain extent, but if the City Lord's Mansion was protected by any protective cover, they still needed to break the protective cover before entering.

The two walked around to the side of the city lord's mansion. Cheng Huaiqian held Xia Ruize down and tried to jump to the courtyard wall first, but at this moment, Xia Ruize, who had activated the spatial backtracking skill, noticed that an energy fluctuation suddenly appeared above the courtyard wall. The transparent barrier blocked Cheng Huaiqian, who was trying to enter the yard, and even pushed the person out.

Cheng Huaiqian stomped on the courtyard wall next to him, and once again leaped to the courtyard wall with the help of his strength. The big knife in his hand slashed hard on the transparent barrier. This time, a larger energy fluctuation was stimulated, and the impact of the rebound was even stronger, pushing Cheng Huaiqian out.

Xia Ruize caught the person with mental power. The two of them changed directions and continued to test. They found that the entire city lord's mansion was under the protection of this energy shield. Xia Ruize even released Da Hei and Xiao Hei to try to enter the city lord's mansion from the air, but both of them failed.

At the same time, the city lord's mansion was disturbed, a large number of torches were lit, and many soldiers poured out of the city lord's mansion, hunting down the people who tried to invade the city lord's mansion.

Xia Ruize jumped on the wall of the courtyard next to him, looked at the bustling city lord's mansion, and tried to find the reason why the soldiers could freely enter and leave the city lord's mansion.

The common denominator was quickly found. Those soldiers all wore a special waist card, which was probably a token of identification between the enemy and them.

Cheng Huaiqian released the high-level evil spirit who had just joined the team, and saw a small black ball rushing towards a group of 5 soldiers. Soon, the five soldiers turned stiffly into a dark alley, away from the large army, they turned left and then right, and finally pass out in a hidden corner.

Da Hei and Xiao Hei carried a few waist cards and sent them to Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian. The two of them got the key token and walked in through the gate of the City Lord's Mansion while holding the illusion. Sure enough, there was no inexplicable energy fluctuation to stop them this time.

After entering the gate of the City Lord's Mansion and bypassing the shadow wall, the two saw a spacious martial arts field. There were stairs behind the martial arts field to go up to the high platform. There was a conference hall on the plane where the high platform was located.

At this time, the lights in the conference hall were bright, and everyone was surrounded by a tall and strong middle-aged man listening to the sergeant's report.

"Report! City Lord, no abnormality was found on the north side!"

"Report! City Lord, no abnormalities were found on the east side!"

The Lord of the City had sharp eyes, by just standing there, he exuded a strong coercion, without needing to approach, Xia Ruize could feel that the Lord of the City was of extraordinary strength.

"The spirit shield has been attacked many times in a short period of time. I´m afraid that the opponent has come prepared. City Lord, do you want to expand the search range?"

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian, who had seen the city guard team several times from a distance and were following the city lord, heard the suggestion.

"Forget it, close the team. If they want to hide, let them hide. Anyway, there is a spirit shield, and no one can break in."

The city lord of Ping'An City had a strong voice, and he was not surprised to hear the sergeant's report that he could not find the unscrupulous person, and decisively ordered to withdraw his troops.

This withdrawal of soldiers actually found that the situation was not right, and unknowingly, there was a small soldier team missing!

The defense team captain frowned, and his voice was eager:

"City Lord, this is troublesome, the access cards on them may fall into the hands of the villains."

The city owner was also a little displeased, and ordered: "Go find someone first, and replace the spirit shield if you can't find it before dawn."

As long as the spirit cover was replaced, the original access cards would no longer work. The only trouble was that it would take a while to replace the spirit cover and everyone's access cards.

After speaking, the city lord turned around and returned to the discussion hall with his personal attendants.

"City Lord, a large number of foreigners have poured into Ping'An city recently, and the security pressure in the city has increased greatly. Do you want to prevent more people from entering?"

The captain of the defense team quickly chased after him and asked.

The defense team was not only responsible for protecting Ping'An City from being invaded by evil spirits, but also responsible for maintaining order in Ping'An City. The task of training temporary team members had recently been added. The task was really heavy and it was a bit overwhelming.

Now there were even thugs who dared to attack the City Lord's Mansion and successfully escape. He, the captain of the defense team, was under great pressure.

"No, this year's full moon tribulation is a big threat, and we need more power to help us get through the city of Ping'An together. Not only do we not need to block it, but we continue to release news to other cities to attract more spirit hunting warriors."

The city lord rejected the proposal of the captain of the defense team, noticed that the captain of the defense team was a little embarrassed, and reassured:

"Don't you have a lot of temporary team members recently? You can let them participate in daily patrol and duty tasks to reduce your own pressure."

The captain of the defense team seemed to be persuaded, and nodded to indicate that he would do as the city lord asked.

"Okay, it's too late, let's rest, and report to me tomorrow the number of people who left the city tonight and the number of people who came back."

Waving his hand to indicate that the captain of the defense team could go to rest, the city lord bypassed the discussion hall and walked to the courtyard behind.

Of course, Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian chose to follow the city lord inward, but before passing through a small gate, they stopped because the city lord who stepped forward once again stimulated a wave of energy.

"It seems that there is also a spirit shield here, but there may not be many people with access cards."

Xia Ruize did not rush to attack the spirit shield, which would expose the information that they had the method of entering the City Lord's Mansion, and said in a pity tone, if only the people closest to the City Lord had the access cards of this spirit shield, wouldn't they be able to sneak in?

"We can't get in; we should go back to rest."

Cheng Huaiqian pretended to be indifferent and persuaded, but in fact he was full of expectations. With a lover by his side, he was very much looking forward to the sleep time he hated before.

Seeing that he couldn't get any more information tonight, Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian climbed over the courtyard wall and left the City Lord's Mansion. As for their access cards, Da Hei and Xiao Hei returned them.

If the spirit cover was not changed, they could use the same method to enter the City Lord's Mansion in the future.

The training on the third day suddenly became easier. Although the running speed in the morning was further improved, it only took three laps to run, and most of the soldiers successfully completed the training task and ate breakfast.

The morning shoot training was no longer for the soldiers to continuously practice shooting targets, but to practice cooperation with each other.

The soldiers of one Corp were lined up in a row, and the four soldiers were arranged in four rows. The first row shot five arrows in a row and then quickly moved away from the position to reload the arrows at the end. The second row continued like this. In this way, as long as the cooperation had a tacit understanding, the attack of the spirit archer could always be uninterrupted.

The assessment at the end of the morning training was also easier than before. It only took four rows of soldiers to complete three rounds of alternation in five minutes. With the completion of the assessment, most of the soldiers successfully ate their lunch.

During lunch, many soldiers sighed happily:

"It was like this today. The training tasks for the first two days were completely deceiving people, and they simply didn't want us to get the spirit stones. It should be like today in the future!"

According to the current rhythm, wouldn't everyone get a spirit stone today?

Thinking of this, the soldiers couldn't help but be overjoyed, insisting that the training arrangement of the first two days was a test for them, those who were afraid of hardship and fatigue would be eliminated, and those who persisted would be rewarded.

The difficulty of training in the afternoon was also eased. After a little physical training, the military barracks issued standard swords with special lines, one for each soldier, to learn the standard swordsmanship of the defense team, and then practice fighting with a unit to cooperate.

Compared with the previous two days, this kind of training task was really too easy, and there was a happy atmosphere among the soldiers.

So, when the soldiers learned before dinner that they would follow the official defense team members to participate in the duty mission tonight, they didn't find it too difficult to accept because of the reward spirit stones they got in advance.

Cheng Huaiqian also used the two spirit stones distributed in the past two days to bribe the two corps leaders to agree to swap places between him and one of Xia Ruize's corps.

After hesitating for a while, the two corps leaders who were successively "corrupted" by the spirit stones and agreed. Anyway, the leaders of the defense team wouldn't care which team these temporary members should be in.

Before the night darkened, the task list for the night duty was drawn out. A team of temporary members would follow a team of regular members, and they would be on duty in different areas for two hours.

Before and after the duty, there would be a rest time. In order to give the soldiers a better rest, the training on the fourth morning only started at 6 am.

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian were assigned to the second batch and were on duty from 10:00 pm to 12:00 pm. They couldn´t leave the city or they would be late, so they turned their attention to other trialers after a long time.

They slipped out of the barracks as soon as the rest time two days ago, and seven of the eight people they marked as suspected trial people had come together closely.

After announcing the duty arrangements, the soldiers were freed, and the six trialers took advantage of the night to go to a remote part of the barracks to discuss, completely unaware that there were two people listening not far away.

Xia Ruize deeply understood why people with invisible abilities in movies always do bad things, the feeling of doing bad things that others didn't know about was really addicting. With [heart net], doing bad things without affecting his communication with his teammate was a perfect match.

"What does this mission want us to do? Up to now, we have only been kept in the military camp for training. The 'huge shadow' mentioned in the main mission had no appeared at all. The difficulty of the survival mission cannot be reflected only in the difficulty of training, right?"

The middle-aged lady who was doing the task of ascending the area was anxious to ask her experienced teammates for help. She had experienced seven or eight mission worlds in the white paper area.

"Don't worry, you have to change your mind. Unlike the missions in the white paper area, which are usually very short in time, the task time in the bamboo silk area will become longer. I heard that someone spent several months in the mission world.

Moreover, the background of the mission world in the bamboo silk area is more complex, and the danger will not be put in front of you as soon as it comes up like the mission world in the white paper area. In this case, you need to explore it patiently first, or you won´t even know how you died

Besides, yesterday we have arranged for Xiao Dong to be eliminated on purpose, and he will pass on the information he collects outside."

The square-faced captain who claimed to have gone through multiple missions in the bamboo silk area comforted him, but the expression on his face was not as relaxed.

He seemed to be comforting the middle-aged lady, but in fact he was comforting himself and the other team members. The situation encountered in each mission world was different, but it was also their first time encountering this kind of survival mission that did not have any danger except that the training was exhausting.

Not only would the danger that had not come for a long time not make them too happy, on the contrary, it would make them have a bad premonition that a huge conspiracy was brewing in the dark, which made people panic.

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian looked at each other. Yesterday, the eliminated trialer really deliberately took the initiative to leave the barracks. they wondered if the other party had gone to Guitu tavern and if he had he gained any important information?

"We are going to participate in the duty mission starting tonight, and we should get more information by then."

The female team member who was good at magic was a young girl. Hearing the words, she said, giving others more confidence.

The six people exchanged their income for one day. Because they were trapped in training all day, there was no more gain than the previous two days. In the end, they could only leave each other, suppress their anxiety, and look forward to receiving information from their teammate and leaving the barracks tomorrow.

There was no liveliness to watch, and this time did not match the biological clock of the two. Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian simply slipped out of the barracks, preparing to go to the Guitu tavern to check the situation before the start of the duty mission.

Surprisingly, the tavern street that was very lively the previous two nights was unusually desolate tonight. All the street vendors were gone, and many taverns were closed. There were not many people who drinking lively.

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian opened the door of the Guitu tavern, and found that there were very few people inside. There were only a few dozen spirit hunting warriors in the spacious tavern, and they gathered together in twos and threes to chat in a low voice.

The two walked to the bar, ordered two special snacks, and asked the bartender what happened.

"You didn't come yesterday, didn't you? Fortunately, you didn't come. Yesterday, few teams left the city. As a result, all those who came back had a conflict. After a few words, they started fighting. They fought all the way from the tavern to the street. The defense team brought them back."

The bartender sighed, and it was not that he had never seen a fight between spirit hunting warriors, but he had never seen so many people fight together in the middle of the night, dozens of people were taken away by the defense team.

Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize felt a move in their hearts. They knew what kind of conflict they were in. Da Niu dragged a group of people to accompany him to the Evil Sea without prior notice. How could it be so coincidental?

"What kind of conflict were they making?"

Xia Ruize asked.

The bartender's expression was also very puzzled, and there was confusion in his voice, "Yeah, we are also strange, that is, the ordinary spirit stone distribution problem, this is not the first time they have cooperated, and few people make trouble for this again, I don't know what was crazy last night?"

"It seems that no one is out of town tonight."

Cheng Huaiqian looked around, and since they came in until now, no one had stood up on the small platform in the center of the tavern to recruit team members, nor did they see spirit hunting warriors scattered in the tavern trying to find teammates.

"Who said there wasn't, the people who came back last night said that the number of evil spirits outside the city had begun to increase, and even fewer dared to leave the city tonight, and they went out as soon as it got dark, thinking about going early and coming back early, if you are looking for teammates at this moment, it will be difficult to find."

There were few guests in the tavern tonight, and the bartender couldn't find anyone if he wanted to chat, so he didn't mind chatting with the two for a while longer.

After sitting for a while, and finding that there was no news to collect in the tavern, Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian left the Guitu tavern and simply went to the City Lord's Mansion.

Cheng Huaiqian released the high-level evil spirit, and saw the little black ball bouncing a few times in Cheng Huaiqian's hand. Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian waited patiently for ten minutes according to the information returned by the little black ball. He changed his shift with the sergeant who was originally standing on the side of the City Lord's Mansion, and began to patrol continuously around the City Lord's Mansion.

The strange thing was that the waist cards on their waists suddenly disappeared at a certain moment, but they did not respond to it, as if they hadn't seen it, they continued to patrol around the City Lord's Mansion.

As for their waist cards, they were naturally given to Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian by Da Hei and Xiao Hei, and they were able to easily enter the City Lord's Mansion.

In the discussion hall, the city owner was discussing with a group of senior managers of Ping'An city, and the content of their discussions was related to the livelihood of Ping'An city.

"City Lord, the weather has turned cold recently, the number of sick city residents has increased, and the reserves of doctors and medicines are somewhat insufficient. What should I do?"

"City Lord, recently, the number of fruits and vegetables supplied by surrounding villages has decreased, but the increase in foreigners has actually increased the price of grain in the grain stores in the city. The city residents have some complaints. Do you think we should take any measures?"

"City Lord, the foreign spirit hunting warriors are often not restrained, and even beat people in the street. Today, I received more than ten complaints from the city residents. Do you think we should restrict the foreign spirit hunting warriors?"

One after another was bad news, but the city owner was not irritable, sitting there without anger, calmly ordered to continue to observe, and there were no unnecessary instructions.

The top management of Ping´An City reported all the recent news but did not receive any specific instructions. While looking at each other, they were sent away by the city Lord. Only the captain of the defense team was left behind.

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian were even more interested, and they heard the captain of the defense team start reporting:

"City Lord, last night, a total of 46 teams of 389 spirit hunting warriors left the city, and finally 42 teams and 367 spirit-hunting warriors returned safely.

In addition, there were 96 people who made trouble in the Guitu tavern last night, of which 65 people came back from outside the city, and the rest joined the scuffle after being affected. "

Reporting, there was doubt in the expression of the captain of the defense team, "After interrogation, they could not say the specific reason for the trouble, and the final conclusion may be that they drank too much?"

This conclusion, even the captain of the defensive team himself did not quite believe, after returning to the city safely, going to the Guitu tavern for a few drinks was something that every spirit hunting warrior would do, how could there never be such a large-scale disturbance after drinking wine before?

As expected of official statistics, much more accurate than the numbers casually said by the bartender, it seemed that there were a large number of spirit hunting warriors with fixed team, and they did not need to temporarily recruit team members at the Guitu tavern and could go out of the city on their own, so the number of teams that the bartender saw going out of the city was far less than the actual number.

As for the disturbances in the Guitu Tavern after returning to the city safely, Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian knew why the originally lively street had withered when they thought of nearly a hundred spirit hunter warriors fighting near the tavern.

"Since it's a drinking mistake, let them drink less in the future, lock them up for a day, and let them go."

Surprisingly, the city lord accepted the conclusion that the captain of the defense team didn't quite believe, and ordered it lightly.

Noticing that the captain of the defense team seemed to have different opinions, the city lord suppressed the dissent and continued to order:

"Okay, in the special period, it is still important to encourage spirit hunters to go out of the city to clean up the evil spirits, and the more they clean up now, the less pressure my Ping'An will face when the full moon tribulation comes, if they are worried about danger, let them not cross the green warning line, only clean up in the area where the low-level evil spirits are active."

The captain of the defense team received the order to leave the city lord's mansion to execute, and the city lord also returned to the inner courtyard at the rear protected by another layer of spirit shield.

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian saw that there was no fun to watch, so they also left the City Lord's Mansion. After returning the access cards, the two returned to the barracks.

This time they set up their tents in the barracks, and if someone called them, it wouldn't be strange for them to walk out of the barracks.

The two didn't chat a few words in the tent when, at 9:40, someone came to the barracks and knocked on the door to wake up a few people.

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian naturally integrated into their team. They followed the corps first to the edge of the martial arts field and put on the anti-spirit armor. Then, they put on the spirit-shooting crossbow on their backs, hung up the real spirit-breaking arrows, and walked out in a line with the big sword in their hands.

Outside the barracks, there was already a member of the official defense team waiting for them. A total of ten people boarded the city wall and walked along the city wall to the pre-arranged rotation point.

The corporal instructed: "This is your first time on duty tonight. It's actually very simple, as long as you don't fall asleep. Next, each of you will follow an official team member to a specific location."

This time, Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian had to be separated. Fortunately, the distance between them was no more than 100 meters, which did not affect their communication.

After standing at the specific guard position, the official team member who taught Xia Ruize signaled that Xia Ruize could sit down.

"Your most important job is to stare at both sides. If someone jumps over the city wall and jumps out, just count how many people there are. There may be fewer people returning to the city now. If you see it, remember the number."

The official team member told Xia Ruize.

"Don't you need to stop them?"

Xia Ruize asked the question deliberately, and sure enough, he got a surprised look from the other party, "Why stop it? The more people who go out, the better."

The official team member who taught him was very talkative, and maybe it was because the duty was too boring. He simply chatted with Xia Ruize:

"If it is usual, these spirit hunters have killed too many evil spirits, and the income of our defensive team will be much less, but now it is different, the full moon tribulation is about to arrive, I heard the seniors say that the number of evil spirits will be so large that people's scalps will be numb, so it is good that they kill more in advance.

It's just that those guys are all softballs. When they can be a little more active, they shy away. The number of spirit hunting warriors who have been out of the city for the past two days has not increased but decreased, which is simply irritating. It's still our own team that is reliable, and we have been able to bring back a lot of gains every day recently. "

Xia Ruize's heart moved, and he quickly asked: "Do the members of the defense team also go out of the city to kill evil spirits every night?"